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""an indictment of the chain of trust"": when physicians bow to pseudoscience

link to WPATH files.

the WPATH Files reveal that the organization does not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along. Members are fully aware that children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of “gender-affirming care,” and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents.

“The WPATH Files show that what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine,” said Michael Shellenberger, President and founder of Environmental Progress. “The experiments are not randomized, double-blind, or controlled. It’s not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent.”.

pdf file here.


In 35 years of practice, I had no trans patients. And despite the two heart idea that is attributed to the Native American community, I did not see any patients with this. 

So I know nothing about this hysteria: I retired before it became popular.

However, as someone who took various hormones for infertility, I am familiar with the medicines they use.

Puberty blockers means the drug that turns off your hormones. I took this to shrink my endometriosis and I cried all the time on them (i.e. depression). And when I had men on them for prostate cancer, I warned them about this complication, that if they were depressed, it was the medicine and that anti depressants might help.

But what about all those androgens given to young girls?

The testosterone hormones made me "Fat, hairy and horny". 

But 30 years ago these were widely used by athletes.

Young men often took these for muscle strength in sports. (also some female athletes took these, but I never treated any women)...And some wonder if this might be behind the high rate of sexual crime and violence in this group. I do know a man who had been a professional wrestler who stopped them when he almost hit his wife in anger: he recognized it as a symptom of the medicine. And of course, these hormones have medical side effects: Liver cancer, neuropathy, heart problems. Med article lists the problems by those taking this medicine. Which is why these medicines were essentially relisted as a controlled substance (strictly regulated) for ordinary folk.

Giving estrogen to men who transition? Well, it lowers their libido. And 40 years ago, we stopped using estrogen to treat prostate cancer because of the high rate of heart disease. And you also see breast cancer in those taking estrogen.

Not mentioned: osteoporosis. Cancer. Obesity related diabetes. Are these things being seen? Who knows?

and all that nonsense about men having babies? Uh, it is well known that the male hormone will affect the baby. And what about the other drugs that are often taken? Antidepression medicines for example.


As I said: in 35 years of practice (and years of training) I haven't treated such cases.

But now the young are being instructed that this is normal, and my granddaughter tells me that it is common to meet these young girls in her classes in the USA.

as for boys: Most are just gay. But because of taboos, some might prefer to say they are trans which is more acceptable.

Years ago, one famous Hollywood female writer quipped: These transvestites really don't want to be women. They want to be prom queens.


Ironically, the country that has the highest rate of male to female transition in Iran, because Shiite Islam forbids homosexuality but allows transvestites.

and then you have the question: When you see women bragging about their trans kids, one wonders if this is a variation of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome.

In factitious disorder imposed on another, a caregiver makes a dependent person appear mentally or physically ill in order to gain attention. To perpetuate the medical relationship, the caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates laboratory tests, or even purposely harms the dependent (e.g. by poisoning, suffocation, infection, physical injury).[6] It is important to note the caregiver is not performing this behavior for obvious external reward, such as money.

And not just parents: when you see tiktok videos of teachers bragging that they are doing this to their students, one wonders who gave them the right to do this.


This post first appeared on Finest Kind Clinic And Fishmarket, please read the originial post: here

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""an indictment of the chain of trust"": when physicians bow to pseudoscience
