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Unwanted kit bleeding time: What you should know?

Unwanted Kit Bleeding Time: What You Should Know?

Contents of This Post:

  • Understanding Unwanted Kit & Unwanted Kit Bleeding 
  • Expected Timeline of Unwanted Kit Bleeding
  • When to Worry About Bleeding After Using Unwanted Kit
  • Managing Bleeding After Using Unwanted Kit
  • Alternative safe abortion in Bangalore

Worried about Unwanted Kit bleeding time, when, how much and the dos and don’ts? Thinking about a medical abortion? Hold on! This post clarifies what to expect.

While Unwanted Kit might seem convenient, a doctor’s evaluation is crucial. Not everyone is suitable for this method. We’ll explain typical Unwanted kit bleeding along with when to seek medical attention.

Additionally, we’ll explore alternatives for situations where Unwanted Kit isn’t the answer, including ectopic pregnancies or advanced stages. Let’s navigate this safely, together. Remember, your priority should always be your safety rather than just getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy. You do have safe choices and can even obtain an abortion in Bangalore safely. Let’s get started!

Understanding Unwanted Kit & Unwanted Kit Bleeding:

Unwanted pregnancy can be a stressful experience. And considering the Unwanted Kit as an option might seem appealing. But before using it, understanding what it is and how it works is essential.

What is the Unwanted Kit?

The Unwanted Kit typically contains a combination of medications used to induce a medical abortion. This means it causes the ending of an early pregnancy without surgery.

What to Expect Regarding Unwanted Kit Bleeding?

Bleeding is a normal side effect after using the Unwanted Kit. It’s similar to a heavy period and typically lasts for 3-7 days. You might also experience cramping or abdominal pain during this time.

However, if the bleeding lasts beyond that, it may possibly be due to an incomplete abortion. If such a case happens, another unwanted kit may not be helpful. You’ll need a corrective surgical abortion in Bangalore.

Unwanted Kit vs. Doctor’s Evaluation:

Here’s the crucial part: While the Unwanted Kit might seem like a quick solution, a doctor’s evaluation is vital before using it. They can:

Confirm pregnancy and its location.

With self-medication, you may not know if your pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic. And ectopic pregnancies are not suitable for the Unwanted Kit. Additionally, the doctor can ascertain the pregnancy age which is a major decisive factor for your eligibility for abortion pills in Bangalore.

Determine if you’re medically eligible for a medical abortion using the Unwanted Kit.

The doctor can check for the pregnancy age. Medical abortion efficiency decreases with advanced pregnancies. That’s why, the doctor for abortion does not recommend abortion pills beyond 6 weeks usually.

Discuss potential side effects and complications.

Your doctor for abortion will check if you are allergic to any medicine or if there’s any risk of complications due to any existing medical condition, like anemia or hypertension. For instance, if you are hypertensive and a blood thinner is on your daily medicine regime, you may bleed more heavily than any other female after taking the Unwanted Kit.

Or if you are anemic and experience heavy blood loss, you can also get unconscious. You may even need a blood transfusion if you bleed very heavily being anemic.

Similarly, there are other conditions like Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), diabetes and other conditions the medicines for which can interact with abortion pills. The doctor can check your medical condition and suggest a suitable abortion method for you. Remember, abortion pills or Unwanted Kits are not the only available abortion methods.

Also, please tell your doctor about your medical history, any medicines you are taking and any known allergies. Also, the doctor for abortion will ask you to undergo some routine examination. This will include an ultrasound to determine your gestation period and pregnancy location. In addition, it will also help the doctor to locate any fibroid that can interfere during the abortion procedure.

Then, there can be some routine blood and urine examinations, the tests within which will be routine and some specific based on your condition. For example, your sugar profile may be an additional test if you are diabetic. Blood clotting time may be an additional test for women taking antihypertensives. Your hemoglobin level can tell if you would need any hematinic to make up for the blood loss after the Unwanted Kit bleeding.

Provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Besides your eligibility for the Mankind Unwanted kit, the doctor can also suggest the best mode of administration for you, adjust the dose if needed and guide you to the best dosing gap between the two medicines. So, it is advisable to take abortion pills in Bangalore only after the medical guidance and prescription of a registered medical practitioner at a registered MTP centre.

Why a Doctor’s Visit Matters?

The Unwanted Kit isn’t suitable for all women or all pregnancies. Consulting a doctor ensures you’re using the right method for your situation and minimizes health risks.

Next Up: We’ll delve deeper into the expected timeline of bleeding after using the Unwanted Kit. We’ll also discuss situations where bleeding might be a cause for concern and when to seek medical attention.

Expected Timeline of Unwanted Kit Bleeding

Unwanted Kit bleeding typically mimics a heavy menstrual period, but it’s important to understand the expected timeframe and variations considered normal. Here’s a breakdown of what you might experience:

  • Initial Bleeding: You might experience spotting or light bleeding soon after taking the first medication in the Unwanted Kit. Or you may not bleed at all until the next tablet.
  • Heavy Bleeding: Within 1-2 days after you have taken the second pill, you’ll likely experience heavier bleeding with blood clots, similar to a heavy period. This is normal and can last for 3-7 days.
  • Tailing Off: Bleeding should gradually decrease in intensity over the following days. You might experience some light spotting for a week or two afterwards.

Remember, this is a general guideline. Variations can occur, and some women might experience:

  • Shorter Bleeding: Bleeding might stop sooner than 7 days, as long as you pass most of the pregnancy tissue. This is the best-case scenario as it usually happens with a complete or successful abortion.
  • Longer Bleeding: Bleeding lasting up to 14 days can be normal, especially if you are further along in your pregnancy. However, with bleeding lasting more than a week, the probability of incomplete abortion or pregnancy remnants increases.
  • Incomplete Abortion: In some cases, the Unwanted Kit might not fully pass the pregnancy tissue. This can lead to prolonged bleeding and requires medical attention. This may necessitate the need for a corrective surgery to clean the uterus. It can be done both by Gentle Care suction abortion or by Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E). The same will be determined by a repeat ultrasound. The scan can help the doctor learn the amount and location of pregnancy remnants.

Remember, self-medication of Unwanted kit decreases its efficiency because:

  • You might know if you’re eligible.
  • You do not know if the dose adjustment is necessary.
  • Also, you may not know how and when to take the pills.
  • You may not be able to monitor the progress of the abortion.

Here’s the key takeaway: Understanding the expected timeline helps you differentiate normal bleeding from potential complications. We’ll discuss warning signs that require a doctor’s visit in the next section.

When to Worry About Bleeding After Using Unwanted Kit?

While bleeding after using the Unwanted Kit is normal, there are situations where it becomes a cause for concern. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Excessive Bleeding: Soaking through more than two maxi pads per hour for several hours in a row is a sign of excessive bleeding. Try maternity pads rather than the usual sanitary napkins you use for your periods.
  • Bleeding Lasting More Than 14 Days: If bleeding continues heavily for more than two weeks after using the Unwanted Kit, it might indicate incomplete abortion.
  • Severe cramping or pain not relieved by over-the-counter medication requires a doctor’s visit.
  • Fever or Chills: A fever along with bleeding could be a sign of infection and needs immediate medical evaluation.
  • Heavy Blood Clots: Passing blood clots larger than a lemon is uncommon and requires a doctor’s visit.
  • Dizziness or Fainting: These symptoms can indicate blood loss and need immediate medical attention.

Remember: Don’t hesitate to seek medical help if you experience any of these warning signs. Early intervention can prevent complications.

Managing Bleeding After Using Unwanted Kit:

Using the Unwanted Kit can be physically and emotionally demanding. Here are some tips to manage bleeding and navigate this experience more comfortably:

  • Use Pads, Not Tampons: Tampons can disrupt the natural expulsion process and increase infection risk. Opt for sanitary pads to absorb blood flow. We advise you not to use menstrual cups also. The best thing is to go for good maternity pads.
  • Pain Relief Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage cramps and discomfort. However, they should be taken after the consultation with your abortion provider.
  • Rest and Hydration: Allow your body time to heal because healing takes place at its own pace and it may vary for every woman. Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated by drinking fluids throughout the day. Try having some freshly brewed tea, coffee or any herbal drink you may like. You can also take fresh citric juices like orange juice. Vitamin C in these juices will help your body absorb iron or any hematinic that the doctor may prescribe you.
  • Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to your lower abdomen can help ease cramps and provide comfort.
  • Maintain Hygiene: Change your pads frequently and practice good hygiene to minimize infection risk. You need not use any vaginal wash or something like that. Use simple water for washing your intimate area frequently.
  • Emotional Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or counsellor for emotional support during this time.

Remember: These are general recommendations. If you experience any discomfort beyond what you can manage or have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional.

Unwanted Kit Limitations and Safe Alternatives

While the Unwanted Kit can be an option, it has limitations. Here’s why considering alternatives might be necessary, and we’ll highlight safe abortion care resources:

Unwanted Kit Limitations:

  • Not Suitable for All Pregnancies: It’s generally recommended for early pregnancies (typically within the first 6 weeks). It might not be effective for later stages.
  • Ectopic Pregnancies: The Unwanted Kit can be dangerous for ectopic pregnancies (where the embryo implants outside the uterus). A doctor’s evaluation is crucial to rule this out. And Unwanted Kit cannot induce the abortion.
  • Incomplete Abortion Risk: There’s a slight chance the Unwanted Kit might not fully terminate the pregnancy, requiring additional medical intervention.
  • Uncertainty and Emotional Toll: Waiting for the Unwanted Kit to work can be stressful and cause anxiety.

Considering Alternative: Prioritize Safety and Comfort

If the Unwanted Kit isn’t suitable for you or you are worried about Unwanted Kit bleeding, here is a safe and effective alternative:

Gentle Care Suction Abortion:

This in-clinic procedure is available at Bangalore Genesis Hospital (BGH) which is a registered MTP centre in Bangalore having an experience of more than 30 years in performing safe abortions. So, the team is very well-qualified, trained and experienced in providing Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) matching international standards of care.

If you are considering terminating a pregnancy less than 12 weeks along, this method may be an option for you. While medical abortion efficiency decreases beyond 6 weeks, Gentle Care suction abortion has a proven efficacy of nearly 100% up to 12 weeks. So, women who are eligible for abortion pills can choose to obtain a Gentle Care suction abortion on choice.

Also, women who are not eligible for the Mankind Unwanted kit are eligible for a Gentle Care suction abortion. This method offers numerous advantages like speed, efficiency, minimal pain, and a single-appointment completion.


Gentle Care suction abortion, also known as aspiration abortion or in-clinic abortion, offers several advantages over the Unwanted Kit:

  • Faster and More Efficient: Compared to the possibility of waiting days for the Unwanted Kit to work, suction abortion is a quick, in-clinic procedure typically lasting 5-10 minutes.
  • Minimally Invasive: A thin tube is gently inserted to remove the pregnancy tissue, minimizing discomfort and potential risks associated with medication. Also, the doctor makes the patient comfortable using mild sedation rather than anesthesia minimizing any side-effects or complications with anesthesia.
  • Higher Success Rate: Gentle Care Suction abortion boasts a success rate of nearly 100% ensuring complete termination of pregnancy in a single appointment.
  • Reduced Cramping and Pain: Many women experience less cramping and pain with suction abortion compared to the cramping and discomfort associated with using the Unwanted Kit.
  • Single Appointment Convenience: No need for multiple visits or waiting periods wondering if the abortion is complete. One appointment finalizes the procedure.
  • Less Disruption to Your Day: Gentle Care suction abortion offers a faster recovery time, allowing you to resume normal activities sooner.
  • Professional Supervision: The entire procedure is performed by a qualified healthcare provider in a safe and sterile environment, ensuring your well-being throughout.
  • Confidentiality and Support: Clinics prioritize your privacy and offer support services to guide you through the emotional aspects of the decision.

Schedule an abortion in Bangalore appointment.

Related Posts:

  1. Unwanted Kit and Ectopic Pregnancy: Abortion in Bangalore
  2. Unwanted Kit and Ectopic Pregnancy: Abortion in Bangalore
  3. Abortion in Bangalore: Debunking 13 Myths & Misconceptions
  4. Unwanted kit or Suction Abortion: Which is better?
  5. Mankind Unwanted Kit vs Gentle Care abortion in Bangalore:

Quick Links:

  1. Abortion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  2. Where to have an abortion in Bangalore if you are unmarried?
  3. Abortion in Bangalore Cost Comparison Between Options:
  4. Abortion in Bangalore: Role of companion’s support:
  5. How to Choose A Clinic for Comfortable Abortion in Bangalore

The post Unwanted kit bleeding time: What you should know? first appeared on Genesis Hospital | Abortion Clinic | MTP | Circumcision Surgery .

This post first appeared on Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Unwanted kit bleeding time: What you should know?
