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 I don't want this to be a lot of whining and complaining
but it could happen. I wish I could simply say that Carol's
surgery went well (it did) and leave it at that but that would
ignore all the post-op maintenance that is required now and
every minute of every day from now through the next 4-6
months until everything is healed (meaning the 12" section
of large bowel that contained the tumor that was removed
and then the good ends stitched together). That's what they
did to the left side. On the right side they made a small
incision and pulled out a bit of her small intestine and sliced
it so the contents can drain into a bag that has to be emptied
every couple hours before it fills up and explodes all over her
and her clothes or the bed or the chair she's sitting on. So a
special bag has to be attached to the skin around the stoma.
After a meeting with her oncologist, she will be scheduled to
start a three-month chemo cycle to beat the colon cancer.
The biopsy of the tumor showed minimal invasion but they
also removed and biopsied 18 lymph nodes and one came
back positive. That made it a Stage 3 cancer so it needs to be
treated soon after waiting 6 weeks from the surgery.
We're not sure when the re-section will be done. Should know
more after a meeting with the colon surgeon next week.
Once all that is done, she will be put back on chemo for
the breast cancer...forever. I'm scared for her.
In May sister Ann is scheduled for surgery to remove the
blob that's growing in her left sinus. I refuse to think of this
as anything other than a giant booger. I hope I'm right.
My sisters are unbelievably strong and brave. I keep worrying
that there is something else I should be doing to help them.
Visiting nurses come to the house twice a week to check on
Carol and teach Ann and I how to change her bag. They also
give us info on her special diet and how to shower without
loosening the bag. They'll visit for 9 weeks.They are a blessing.
It's a long road for all of us.

This post first appeared on Pondering......., please read the originial post: here

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