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 Thoughts of the day

  • Happy almost birthday, Kyle!! Any guesses on how old he will be? Do you need a hint? He just got his driver's permit and I have been relegated to the backseat. Mrs. Shife and I have decided she is the better teacher so I will be in the back silently praying to baby Jesus.

  • Good luck to me as I coach my first softball game. Hayden talked me into coaching her team so I'll lead the Serpents onto the field tonight. Baby Jesus might be hearing from me again. 
  • Happy MLB Opening Day to those who celebrate. I am not too optimistic about my team's chances - St. Louis Cardinals - since we open the season against the Dodgers, who spent about 27 billion dollars in the offseason to upgrade their team.
  • This made me laugh a lot when I really needed a good laugh this week.

glow in the dark shirts are cool 😎

♬ original sound - COOL GUYZ ONLINE

Meme dump

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!!
Talk to you soon!!

I will persevere.
I will keep moving forward.
I will be the stream. 

This post first appeared on Confessions Of A Dumb, White Guy, please read the originial post: here

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