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Weekly Updates – Mar 30 • #100DaysToOffload

My brain and body are still adjusting to the changes.

After being on since 2005, it’s not found a way to adjust to this reality. The quietness of waking up to no email, chat messages and figuring out how to balance the calendar was simultaneously refreshing and confusing.

A big part of me wants to adopt this moving forward into whatever I am doing. I appreciate the morning clarity and overall lowering of the anxiety-floor.

After the recent scare of not having YouTube Premium anymore, I dusted off my Music-backup and I’ve started listening to my library more. Rediscovering some music. However, also realizing that my tastes have mellowed more. I am more open to different genres of music these days. I am also less open to complex music for its complexity. The musicality – an amorphous, subjective context – matters more to me.

I tried picking up Cyberpunk 2077 but just couldn’t continue. I’ve often found this to be the case. I spend time learning the core controls of a game when starting out. However, if there’s a prolonged break, I lose track of both the story and the controls. While there’s some amount of muscle memory that brings some of the controls back, it’s never seamless. This is often a big blocker to get restarted on the game. Now, I am waiting for a big discount for Spiderman 2 to try it out. It seemed fun when I tried it out at G’s home in November.

I plan to redo my office setup at home. Currently, there’s a 2 Monitor Setup. However, I find that I spend more time adjusting it than using it. As a result, I am planning to simplify it to a single monitor setup and clearing the clutter from my desk. It also allows for H / someone else to use the second monitor in another place. I hope to spend some time on this next week.

Spring is here in the Seattle area and it’s my favorite time of the year. Our go-to place to enjoy a stroll during spring is Greenlake.

The 3.0 mile track is flat and allows O to follow us along in our walks while H and O continue their Pokemon Go! journey.

This week

: Komoroske’s bits and bobs

: Porsche’s Priceless One-Off Protoypes and Concepts | Secret Stash

The post Weekly Updates – Mar 30 • #100DaysToOffload first appeared on @gurupanguji.

This post first appeared on Ramblings Of An Eccentric Soul... | Thoughts, Ramb, please read the originial post: here

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Weekly Updates – Mar 30 • #100DaysToOffload
