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Amazing Photos of the 1963 Daimler SP250 Dart Convertible

Amazing Photos Of The 1963 Daimler SP250 Dart Convertible

A surprising departure from its renowned lineup of luxury limousines, the SP250 sports car marked Daimler’s swan song before its acquisition by Jaguar.

Geared towards the North American market and unveiled in 1959, the SP250 adopted a distinct approach, featuring a separate ladder-type chassis supporting Fiberglass Bodywork controversially manufactured in-house by Daimler. Noteworthy for its era, the SP250 boasted four-wheel disc brakes, yet its standout attribute remained its 2.5-liter V8 engine.

Delivering remarkable flexibility, the smaller of Daimler’s V8s generated 140bhp, propelling the SP250 to a top speed of 125mph. Catering to the preferences of its target audience, the option for automatic transmission was available.

Surviving Jaguar’s acquisition in 1960, the model underwent significant enhancements under its new ownership, leading to the introduction of the vastly improved ‘B’ version in April 1961. Sporting a reinforced chassis and thicker fiberglass bodywork, the SP250 ‘B’ showcased Jaguar’s commitment to refining the model. Its subsequent ‘C’ iteration, introduced in April 1963, exhibited further refinements, primarily in detail enhancements.

Here below is a set of amazing photos of the 1963 Daimler SP250 Dart Convertible.

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This post first appeared on A Thousand Monkeys Fighting Over One Typewriter, please read the originial post: here

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Amazing Photos of the 1963 Daimler SP250 Dart Convertible
