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The Sim 15 update has been delayed again

The Sim 15 Update Has Been Delayed Again

The Sim 15 update for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 was actually supposed to be available today, but the release has been delayed once again by Asobo. At the beginning of the month, PCGH reported that the original target date of March 12 could not be met. The developers wanted to give the update the necessary final touches and announced March 26 as the new release date. As players have already noticed, this goal cannot be achieved either. Another bad news comes via blog post.

Sim 15 update for MSFS is coming now in April

The news of the renewed postponement came one day before the scheduled date. The developers are now commenting on the decision on the official blog: “It is important that we take the time to do everything right, and after careful consideration, the team has come to the conclusion that SU_15 is not quite ready yet. We're now aiming for an April release (to be announced The exact date).” The fact that no specific date has been given this time probably means that it will not be immediately after Easter, but rather in the middle of the month.

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There is more news about SU_15: A version of the update has been released to all beta testers and can be played immediately. The official MSFS forums are currently discussing the community's first experiences with the flight simulator. Some Asobo users and team members have discovered their passion for the Commodore VIC-20 or C64. Naturally, MS-DOS and older versions of Windows play a role. In addition to a flight simulator Other titles such as Red Baron, WW2 Online, and Aces over Europe were also mentioned.

source: Flight simulator

This post first appeared on Social Post, please read the originial post: here

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The Sim 15 update has been delayed again
