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World Cup in Schaffhausen – First setback at start: USA defeats curlers – Sports

World Cup In Schaffhausen – First Setback At Start: USA Defeats Curlers – Sports
World Cup in Schaffhausen – First setback at start: USA defeats curlers – Sports – SRF

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The Swiss curlers start their home World Cup in Schaffhausen with a 3:5 loss against the USA.

This is not how the CC Geneva curlers imagined the start of the World Cup in Schaffhausen: in the opening match, Yannick Schwaller, Benoît Schwarz-van Berkel, Sven Michel and Pablo Lachat had to admit defeat to the USA 3:5.

The tension in front of the home crowd in the nearly sold-out IWC arena was especially noticeable in Schwarz-von Berkel, who always plays the last stones for the Swiss. He only managed 71 percent of successful stones throughout the game.

The Americans, led by skip John Shuster, stole a total of three stones in the 6th end to take a 3-0 lead. Only then did a Swiss reaction finally follow in the form of a two-person house.

In the 9th end the USA trailed 4:2 with Skip Swaller's team once again unable to capitalize on the last stone to score just one point. The US Olympic champions from 2018 did not let this decisive advantage slip away from them – as Schwarz-Von Bergle's last stone fell just short.

And so it goes on

On Easter Sunday, Switzerland will face Norway in the morning (live on SRF Two from 9:00 am) and Sweden in the afternoon (live on SRF Two from 2:00 pm).

SRF Two, SportLive, March 30, 2024, 2:00 pm;

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World Cup in Schaffhausen – First setback at start: USA defeats curlers – Sports
