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Talkspace Review

Key Takeaways

  • Talkspace is one of the biggest online therapy platforms in the industry.
  • Users get access to thousands of licensed therapists at their disposal.
  • Talkspace offers convenient, accessible, and more affordable means to get therapy.

Talkspace TherapyFeatured

#1 Rated Online Therapy, 1 Million+ Users

What you’ll get from the therapy

  • Identify the issues
  • Restore trust
  • Rediscover strengths
  • Empathy and resolution
  • Ongoing support
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Alarming statistics on mental health in the US show that 23.1% of US adults reported experiencing a mild mental health crisis in 2022. About 6% experienced a serious episode of mental breakdown ranging from psychosis to severe anxiety and eating disorders. Among veterans in 2020, 5.2 million are reported to suffer from behavioral health conditions.

While these numbers don’t seem that significant in the overall American population, what’s alarming is the ratio of mental health professionals to patients. In a 2020 report, there are only 30 professionals in the mental health industry for every 100,000 people and only 15.6 psychiatrists for this exact population.

In data published by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association, trends show that by 2025, the US will have a shortage of 10,470 marriage and family therapists, 15,400 psychiatrists, and 26,920 mental health counselors.

These numbers show that access to mental health care can be a significant obstacle for the general population. Aside from expensive fees and the struggles of finding the ideal therapist for your specific needs, logistics problems also exist. People in rural areas may not have easy access to mental health professionals, while those who may have disabilities may find it hard to visit a therapist physically.

Fortunately, the era of telehealth services is here, and it’s not only limited to meeting the demands of physical health prevention and cure; it has also included mental health services. Online therapy platforms like Talkspace have been around since 2012, intending to offer accessible and convenient ways to access mental health care despite the proven shortage of mental health professionals in the industry.

In this review, I’ll talk about what Talkspace is, how it can help you with your mild mental health issues, and whether or not you should try it.

What is Talkspace?

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Talkspace is considered one of the biggest online therapy platforms in the digital space. It was founded in 2012 by Roni and Oren Frank, who wanted to create a digital counseling platform committed to offering accessible, convenient, and affordable therapy.

They started offering live group therapy sessions as a small start-up but eventually expanded to become a mega business with over 1 million subscribers. The app is also accessible in all 50 states, where users can access licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and therapists.

The platform can be downloaded via a mobile application on Android and iOS devices and is also available for desktop use. It started as a text-based therapy service but gradually added voice and video messages. Today, users can text, send voice messages, or send video messages to their therapist.


There are two significant features of Talkspace, and these are:

  • Talkspace Online Therapy
  • Talkspace Psychiatry

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Talkspace Online Therapy is the app’s main feature, where users match with a therapist and have online consultations and therapy sessions.

Talkspace Psychiatry is the feature of the app that offers medication management. Users complete an assessment and are matched with a licensed psychiatrist in their state or a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner who has the professional capacity to prescribe mental health medication.


Here are the costs for subscribing to Talkspace:

Talkspace Psychiatry

The initial cost for medication management is $299, and every appointment after that is $175. All sessions for Talkspace Psychiatry are 30-minute live sessions. You are given a prescription, which you can use to purchase your medication at a local pharmacy.

Talkspace Online Therapy 

There are three subscription plan options:

Talkspace TherapyFeatured

#1 Rated Online Therapy, 1 Million+ Users

What you’ll get from the therapy

  • Identify the issues
  • Restore trust
  • Rediscover strengths
  • Empathy and resolution
  • Ongoing support
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  1. Video + Messaging + Workshops at $436/month
    • Text, video, and voice messages
    • Therapist responds daily five times a week
    • Four 30-minute live sessions a month
  1. Video + Messaging Therapy at $396/month
    • Text, video, and voice messages
    • Therapist responds daily five times a week
    • One 30-minute live session a month
  1. Messaging Therapy at $276/month
    • Text, video, and voice messages
    • Therapist responds daily five times a week

Talkspace stands out among digital therapy platforms by accepting specific health insurance plans. It also works with employee assistance programs (EAP) and educational organizations. This feature is evident in the company’s commitment to making psychological services affordable and accessible for the majority of the American population.

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The health insurance providers they accept include the following:

  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Gatorcare
  • Optum
  • Premera

If your insurance is not listed here or you need clarification on whether Talkspace is covered or not, you may want to talk with your provider to check and confirm.

Who Is It For?

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Talkspace, like any other form of therapy, will not work for everyone. So who is it for? Well, the platform is ideal for people in the US who have mild to moderate mental health issues, such as the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Overwhelming Stress
  • Anger Issues
  • Dealing with Chronic Illness
  • Mood Disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Struggling with Grief
  • Eating Disorders
  • Substance Abuse Problems
  • Codependency Issues
  • Parenting Struggles

If your symptoms are mild to moderate and you’re at least 13 years of age, Talkspace is ideal for you. They offer teen therapy so kids ages 13 to 17 can also use the features and services. They do not, however, have child therapy. It is not ideal for kids below the age of 13 years.

If you, however, are suffering from severe symptoms that include hallucinations and psychosis, or if you need a diagnosis, Talkspace is not for you as these may require in-person evaluation and assessments, or emergency care.

Talkspace Therapist Qualifications and Profiles

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Thousands of therapists are available on Talkspace, but they are limited in which state they are licensed to practice. The therapists available on the platform must be any of the following:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • Clinical Psychologist (PhD)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)
  • Licensed Psychiatrist
  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Each therapist must also have at least 3000 hours of clinical experience to qualify to become a therapist on the app. This ensures that all the therapists offering their services on the platform have the expertise and the knowledge to provide proper therapy sessions to users.

Some of the modalities they offer include the following:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Client-Centered Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Existential Therapy
  • Mindfulness Therapy
  • Trauma-Focused Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Teen Therapy
  • Couples Therapy

Each therapist’s profile will include the therapy method they specialize in, the number of years they’ve been practicing, the number of users they’ve helped on the app, their education, their professional license number, a photo, a short bio, availability, and treatment experience.

Their profiles will give you an idea about how they can help you with your specific mental health issues.

How Does Talkspace Work?

Now that you know what Talkspace is and what to expect from the platform, it’s time to learn how it works.

What is the Sign Up Process?

To sign up for Talkspace, you need to download the app first. You can download Talkspace on your IOS devices, Android, or desktop devices.

Talkspace TherapyFeatured

#1 Rated Online Therapy, 1 Million+ Users

What you’ll get from the therapy

  • Identify the issues
  • Restore trust
  • Rediscover strengths
  • Empathy and resolution
  • Ongoing support
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Once you have the app, create an account by entering your email and other essential information. After which, you get to choose which subscription plan you want to enroll in. You will then be directed to a chatroom where you’ll be connected to a mental health professional for a consultation. You will be asked questions to assess your needs and preferences.

During this consultation, the consultant will also explain how Talkspace works, how to get matched with a therapist, and what to expect. This appointment will be a live 30-minute session, so you can have as many inquiries as you want before starting.

Once this consultation is done, you will then be matched with a therapist. You will be given three options within a few hours or up to 2 days. The therapists you match with must be licensed to practice in your state, so depending on your location, it may take a few hours to a few days to find your ideal match.

Once you find the therapist you match with, you can get started on your initial evaluation with your therapist right away. Therapists must answer you at least once a day, respond within four to 6 hours, and be available five days a week.

Channels of communication include text messages, audio messages, or video messages. You can send your messages at any time of the day, and your therapist will respond within the given timeframe. If, for some reason, you don’t like the therapist you match with, you can easily change your therapist. You will then be given another set of three possible matches and switch therapists immediately.

Benefits and Downsides of Talkspace

Like all things, there are always two sides to the coin. Talkspace may be one of the most popular and successful online therapy platforms in the US, with over one million active subscribers today, but it does have its fair share of disadvantages.

In this review section, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of using Talkspace.


Here are the benefits of using the app:

  • Accessible, Convenient, and Flexible

When Talkspace founders created the app, they wanted it to be an affordable and more accessible alternative to face-to-face therapy. They’ve managed to do this well and have been credited as pioneers of digital treatment in the industry.

Over a million people in the US instantly had access to therapists they would never have had access to if it weren’t for Talkspace. And in terms of rates, online therapy is significantly lower. Talkspace’s highest subscription plan of $436 per month is lower than standard therapy session costs, which range between $100 and $250 per visit.

  • Thousands of Available Therapists

When your therapist is not a good fit, you can easily switch to another professional who may better match your needs. In as little as a few hours to a maximum of 2 days, you can find another therapist who can attend to you without stepping a foot out of your home or office.

  • HIPAA-Compliant

Talkspace is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant, with your data encrypted for absolute privacy, security, and confidentiality.

  • User-Friendly Interface

Talkspace is available for users who need mild to moderate therapy from ages 13 and up, which means it is designed to appeal to a broad demographic. Teens, adults, and elders will find the app easy to use, and the interface is user-friendly, even for seniors or younger patients.

  • Excellent Customer Service

Users have reported Talkspace’s customer service to be excellent, with fast response times and reliable resolution of issues and complaints.

  • Multiple Channels of Communication

Only some people are comfortable with video calls or texting, so it’s excellent that Talkspace offers three communication channels. If you’re comfortable with texting only, then that’s okay. But if talking is more your thing, you have the option to send a voice or video message to your therapists any time of the day, and you’ll get a response at least once a day and five days a week.

  • Health Insurance Accepted

While other online therapy platforms don’t accept health insurance, Talkspace does. This is a great relief for people who can’t pay upfront. Talkspace also collaborates with employers and assistance programs to ensure therapy is easily accessible for the American population.

Overall, Talkspace therapy’s assets are accessibility, convenience, and access to thousands of therapists at the touch of your fingers.


Now let’s talk about the downsides of Talkspace. Here are the disadvantages of using the app:

  • No Free Trial

Most apps and subscriptions offer free trials, which allow subscribers to test the platform to see if they like it. Talkspace doesn’t have this option, so you must pay a subscription to try it out. If you don’t want the services, you can apply for a refund within 90 days of your subscription payment date. No refunds will be given in specific scenarios, however. You may refer to this link to check for Talkspace’s refund policy.

  • You Need to Wait to Be Matched

If you’re having a mental health emergency and you haven’t subscribed to the app yet, you might have to wait up to 2 days to talk to a therapist. Or if you are currently suffering from a mental health crisis, you won’t get immediate care. You can’t just hop on the app and talk to a therapist immediately.

  • Some Therapist’s Responses Are Impersonal and Feel Short

Several users have reported that many therapists’ responses are short and impersonal. They feel like their therapists don’t offer personalized services but cookie-cutter, pre-recorded, or pre-made sessions.

  • No Options for Kids Below 13

Taljkspace doesn’t offer any services for child therapy or whole-family therapy. They only have couples or marriage therapy as long as it doesn’t involve kids under the age of 13.

  • Talk Therapy May Not Be for Everyone

The modalities offered on Talkspace are limited to talk therapy techniques and nothing else. They also have psychiatric services, but there is no diagnosis or long-term treatment available. Talk therapy may also not be for everyone, as some patients may find it hard to articulate their symptoms.

In summary, Talkspace’s disadvantages are the need for other features, limited services, and some users’ dissatisfaction with their therapists’ approach.

My Personal Experience with Talkspace

1. Find a new provider

2. Choose the therapist you like

2. Video Call with the therapist

I’ve covered everything you need to know about Talkspace and how it works, so it’s time for me to share my personal experience with the app.

I’ve always had anxiety, and I’ve also taken anti-anxiety pills before, specifically Alprazolam. Though I’ve been managing my symptoms, I wanted to try an online therapist to help me cope without the use of medication.

So, I downloaded the app, filled out some information, and paid for the Messaging Therapy plan at $276. I was directed to a chatroom where I had a 30-minute live video call with a consultant. She asked me to answer several questions, explained how the app works, and allowed me to ask her as many questions as possible. She then told me to wait to be matched to three therapists within a few hours to two days. I expected to wait to be matched, but after two hours, I was given three options for therapists in my state.

I wanted a particular therapist, but they said there wasn’t any assurance I would get her because it also depended on her availability. True enough, the therapist I wanted wasn’t assigned to me, so I chose another therapist on the list.

I didn’t have the live video session feature since I paid for the lowest plan, so I only had access to messaging channels. Once I sent a text message, the app informed me of the estimated time my therapist would respond. It took a while for me to get her message in 5 hours. Though I had to wait, I liked that the app gave me an estimated time to wait for a response so I wouldn’t have to check the app repeatedly. I just received a notification that my therapist responded to my message.

At first, she was invested in what I had to say about my anxiety. But as the week progressed, her responses became shorter. I didn’t feel like my issues were adequately addressed, and whenever she responded, I couldn’t ask for everything I wanted.

I tried to ask to switch to another therapist, and I was surprised to find that this feature was really easy to do. Customer service responded quickly and understood my concern. In just an hour, I was matched with three other therapists, and the one that I liked was then assigned to me.

My second therapist on the app was so much better than the first. The first therapist assigned to me got busier, which may explain why she couldn’t give me the attention I needed. This new therapist had fewer patients and was relatively new to the app, so maybe that’s why her responses were more comprehensive.

I loved that she would respond fast, like in a couple of hours, and that we had more time to talk. I only used the text messaging feature because I’m uncomfortable filming or recording myself. I prefer a more holistic therapy method, and I loved that she practiced yoga and meditation. It was a good match. She was empathetic to my issues, understood my needs, and gave me support when I was having difficulties coping.

I’ve been on the app for three weeks and decided to subscribe for at least two more months to get the full benefits of my therapy sessions. I don’t know what the results are yet, but for now, I like that when I have questions or am dealing with something, there’s someone I can easily text on my phone for support.

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Final Thoughts

While the stigma against psychological issues is slowly decreasing, there is still a significant shortage of mental health professionals who provide services to patients. Inaccessibility due to economics, location, and societal factors are tremendous hindrances to getting help. Some people are also not comfortable physically visiting a clinic or don’t want to be seen getting help.

Talkspace has solved these problems by offering an app that makes getting help discreet, convenient, more affordable, and, most of all, within easy reach.

Though the services are limited to talk therapy and for mild to moderate cases only, it’s a massive step towards addressing the mental health epidemic in the US. The app is imperfect and lacks features; finding the ideal therapist may be a hit-and-miss. It’s good to know that apps like Talkspace exist for people like me who want a more accessible and convenient answer to getting help.

Talkspace TherapyFeatured

#1 Rated Online Therapy, 1 Million+ Users

What you’ll get from the therapy

  • Identify the issues
  • Restore trust
  • Rediscover strengths
  • Empathy and resolution
  • Ongoing support
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Talkspace Effective?

Talkspace states on its website that 80% of its users report that the app’s online therapy services are equally effective as in-person therapy. Though further studies need to be done, research on online treatment shows positive results. One such study involved a 2020 review of 17 studies that revealed online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is as helpful as traditional therapy when it comes to moderate depression.

2. Is Talkspace Better Than BetterHelp?

BetterHelp is another popular online therapy platform similar to Talkspace. In terms of prices, BetterHelp offers more affordable services with subscription rates of $260 to $360 per month, which is lower than Talkspace. However, BetterHelp does not accept insurance, while Talkspace does. The better option depends on your mental health needs and preferences.

3. How Long are Talkspace’s Live Sessions?

Talkspace’s sessions can last up to 45 minutes, and live sessions with a therapist can last up to 30 minutes.

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The post Talkspace Review appeared first on Zen or Zen.

This post first appeared on Online Psychic, please read the originial post: here

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Talkspace Review
