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Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

I have to say something. This is an epic-longer read. But it has to be said. At least, for me.

I have to. In my heart, in my soul.

I hope those who choose to read, can read it with their hearts, not their eyes.

It’s time our hearts start leading. It’s past time.

This isn’t a post about spirituality. This isn’t a post about religion. It’s not even a post about belief, or mindset.

It’s a post about identity theft, and hypocrisy.

It’s about setting the record straight. And having a hard conversation, for some.

I can no longer just sit here quietly, with what I’ve studied the past 30 years, and know in my heart, and what I’ve personally experienced, and say nothing on this issue.

Just like I wouldn’t remain silent if someone fostered an untrue identity about anyone in my family—saying nothing, at this point, at least for me, makes me complicit.

And I won’t be complicit in this, silent on this because I’m wary of someone misinterpreting what I’m saying; as my silence further allows an agenda-driven group of people to continue to take the works and words and identity of one of the world’s greatest teachers, psychics, transcendent healers, peace-activists, and love-culture-leaders—and turn this person into the point of their spear, poisoned with the thick tar from their own wide-eyed fear.

It saddens and sickens me to the core, what many Christian denominations have done, with the identity of “Jesus”.

They’ve turned this middle-eastern Jewish Rabbi, this expressive, charismatic, kind, dark-haired, fully bearded, strongly-open-hearted extremely radical and brave activist earth emissary for a boundless Mystical Creator God—into a stoic, white, blonde, rule-toting, expressionless and emotionless sociopathic false-Justice hammer. And the world is the nail.

This is not Jesus.

Hear me.


That dogmatic fist in the face? That red-white-and-blue-Christ?

That is not Jesus.

That is a false god forged in the image of its makers’ insecurity, fear, and need for dominance.

That false god is a banner for faux piousness, a double-sided razor-sharp righteousness—the face and false authority for spine-tingling and exhilarating judgement.

That false god, who some are using as their (mis)guiding light for heinous acts of violence, oppression, and exclusion—

That is not Jesus.

That god? That god is the definition of the Great Deceiver, the Morning Star itself—Lucifer. Who in the times of “the end” empowers a false prophet to be seen as Christ, or “sent by Christ”.

That god is created in the image of the weak who rule others through fear and exclusion—all things that Jesus preached against.

Jesus taught what he taught in spite of the fact that it was illegal by the Jewish religious standards.

He did it anyway. Because it was revolutionary, His message: JUST LOVE AND BELIEVE.

Believe in yourself.

Believe in your neighbor.

Believe in Him, not as “a god”, but that he was here to help—not harm.

Believe in your God.

Jesus used the term “your God” quite often. He didn’t say “God of the Jews”. He said “Holy Father in Heaven.” Or “Your Heavenly Father”.

Your Heavenly Father, whomever that may be. For some, she’s a goddess.

Jesus wasn’t peddling a religious franchise.

He was teaching spiritual and emotional freedom.

Jesus wasn’t trying to convert people to his belief system. He was working to help people liberate themselves from their own limiting beliefs.

Jesus didn’t say “worship me”. He never, ever wanted to be worshipped. “Follow me”, yes. “Worship me”, no.

He always pointed the way to God. He’d say “Give the glory to your Father in heaven.”

Jesus spoke his teachings to everybody. Not just Jewish folks, which made the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious power of the day) furious.

Jesus taught miracles and spiritual physics to Gentiles (anybody who is not a Jewish person), and for a Jewish Rabbi to be teaching Gentiles back then, well—

Flat out, that was against Jewish law.

Yet he did it anyway.

It made him the #1 political enemy of the Jewish state at the time.

Jesus was an activist. He preached free love and forgiveness from a benevolent creator God, for all people.

This message wildly disturbed the Sanhedrin, whose beliefs were rooted in following 613 Jewish commandments (the first 10 of those most of us know as “The Ten “Commandments.”)

Jesus didn’t say to blow any of those 613 rules off. He just said that loving our neighbor, and loving God above all things, would do the trick in terms of pleasing God and getting into the kingdom of heaven, if one was looking to simplify.

Jesus brought this message of social, spiritual, cultural and emotional liberation to everyone. All people. Not just “converted, saved Christians”.

To ALL people. Conservatives, liberals, Jews, Gentiles, LGBTQI, heterosexual, nonsexual, biodiverse—all skin colors, all beliefs—


This lesson of loving everyone—loving each other, your enemy, loving God—this didn’t lessen the sanctity and holy words of Judaism. It didn’t lessen the belief in Apollo or Zeus.

It was a foundational proclamation that with LOVE, we were all connected. And that He was the truth (of love, without the hypocrisy or dogma or theocracy), the light (of the world, lighting a new way in the world), and the way (to becoming something greater than ourselves, if we’d just have some faith in ourselves and God.)

FYI, the New Testament was written in high Greek, a documentarian or legalist’s language, whose nuances are almost culturally lost in 2024. In the statement “I am the truth, the light, and the way”, the word “way”, in high Greek, means “modality / modality of route.”

So it makes more functional sense to say “I am the (embodiment of) truth, the light, and the modality.” In other words, DO WHAT I DO, to access miracles, happiness, self-forgiveness-all of it.

Not “convert to being a Christian for Jesus to save you”.

Christianity didn’t officially hit the scene for another 100 years after Jesus’ death. Then certain Christians were so passively obnoxious about the power of the one God, Rome rounded them up and mocked their faith by feeding them to lions in the coliseum to see if their God would save them.

Hubris never pays off.

Jesus was a walking-talking visual aid to show us all down here what is possible. He was a Divine Being but he was stuck in a human body, with all its limits—as everyone is subject to the same physics down here. So if he could do it—Loaves to fishes, raising the dead, healing the sick, walking on water—so could we.

Jesus told his students that all of us would go on to do whatever he has done, and greater.

This Jesus, this walking human manifestation of God (which we all are to an extent) told us that we’d go on to perform bigger and better signs and miracles than he ever did.

He believed in humanity. Way more than we believe in ourselves.

Women ran the business end of Jesus’ ministry. They also ministered. Women played intricate roles in raising funds and nurturing his students (disciples) when coming home from the road. Women were a huge part Jesus’ work.

Jesus never discriminated. This was a mind-bending feat at the time, in a society of social heirarchies.

So when I hear people slam on Jesus because they can’t stand this or that short-sighted Christian franchise that’s pushing a discrimination message wearing His fake, white, stoic face—I just want to scream, “Do you even know what Jesus is?”

Because Jesus, the Divine Son of God (as we are all children of God) would be so horrified at what folks have done in His name. I have it on very good authority that Jesus is more than a little disgusted with folks weaponizing His words and His name.

Jesus doesn’t want us to be blind followers. He picked people with brains and drive and difficult personalities to be his disciples. He wants us to be brave enough ask why and how— two questions that bring solutions to problems.

And He wants us to be extra brave to have compassion for those who hate us, because they hate themselves more.

This is the awesome, butt-kicking, crap-starting hippie-enemy of the political state Jesus that moves through the fabric of each one of us if we let it—It moves through of me, when I do healing work, or give darker entities the boot in a house, or when I am able to listen in a way that’s meaningful to someone.

It’s that universal energy that flows through all of us, that is love and power and acceptance. God energy. Goddess energy.

Jesus isn’t demanding I become Jewish in my religion to adhere to His teachings about love and miracles. Neither would He demand anyone become anything other than who they are and what they believe—to be able to acknowledge what He is, and what a powerful spiritual ally He is, for everybody—even folks who think He’s a myth or faerie Tale.

The Sanhedrin sure thought he was some blasphemous, fame-seeking nut who memorized the Torah and claimed to be the Messiah just as the old stories claimed.

It’s not important anyone “believe in Jesus” for this Being to exist. It just does. It just has this power. It/He highly encourages people to believe in their own ability to believe in something outside of ourselves.

For me, Jesus the Christed Being is real. I’ve seen Him, I’ve felt him, I’ve called out to him in prayers of healing for others and myself—and He picked up the other end of the phone. And he’s not the weird, white stoic asshat on a throne.

He’s appeared to me like this scruffy, slightly dirty dude you’d meet at Burning Man who is giving everybody Day Old Bagels, then pulling his acoustic guitar off his back and singing a parable that blows up the room with love.

He might appear to you as a woman. Or an animal. Or a tree.

But that Christed Jesus? He’s as wild and untamed and fierce and loving as a JRR Tolkien dragon character. And He (It) doesn’t care what religion you are, or if you even have one. Because He/ It is the ambassador for LOVE.

Am I a Christian? By today’s definition—no. I’m not.

I’m a student of the Christed Jesus’ teachings and modalities. I also believe the Buddhas brought important wisdom. I believe the ancient Hindu Gods brought important wisdom and teachings from even other realms and planets. And who knows, maybe this Christed Jesus whom I’ve come to know so well, has also been a Buddha and a Hindi God along the way.

Love is love, and peace is peace.

Yet for me? Jesus is my Spirit Guy. He’s my sweet, powerful, benevolent buddy, who knows what it’s like to be human. And He doesn’t think lesser-than of me for it—because he’s been here. He gets it.

He knows what it’s like to be judged and thought of as an outcast and “lesser than” by those “more holy”.

I sure appreciate (and it breaks my heart) that this wonderful Being relentlessly held a space for, and was persecuted and killed for—spreading unconditional love to ALL people; to me, that’s a solid God-move.

This Jesus-Energy (not the “white Christian Jesus”) is palpable to me. I can sense it, and feel this Being. He’s real. He’s just not identifiable by many of today’s militant standards.

So that’s 100% fair if Jesus isn’t your thing. But next time you wanna slag on Him/It, ask yourself: “Do I actually know this Being? Or am I unhappy with the people who jacked his identity and made him into a monster?”

Because my guess is—it’s the latter.

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Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
