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Shining like the Son

A beautiful, happy observance of the Resurrected Christ to all who celebrate Easter Sunday!!

To those who don’t, may you feel the renewal of spring and the comfort of light overcoming darkness, deep within your being!

The Christed energy is bigger than even one human being. It is so big, it raised Jesus from the dead. It is so big, it goes well beyond one religion or one spirituality modality. It is the birthright of all living things.

It is renewal, it is regeneration, it is the hope of great rebirth and the conquering of what appears to be unconquerable. It is the magnificent understanding that God (or however anyone recognizes a force larger than themselves) is so powerful that it can overcome even that which seems to be understood as “natural order”—death—because all God energy is the order.

We are all part of this powerful energy. All of us.

Christ, the alchemist, working darkness to light, pain to purpose, fear to forgiveness.

We are all part of this miracle of transformation, this repurposing of inner death to inner life. Afterall, Jesus Himself said that we could do everything He could do, and greater.

Death is not only physical. It is emotional. It is psychological,

We can change our mind at any moment. And in that change, spark a revolution in our soul that authors new worlds full of peace, all around us.

Jesus was the bringer of examples: how to be kind, how to be giving, how to be patient, how to be strong in the face of prejudice and hatred, how to have courage to stand in the gap for the meek, the oppressed, for those without a home or a country, or food, for those without a voice; how to identify the false piousness of racism and sexism and homo-and-transphobia and then how to forgive oneself for falling prey to that hypnotic hypocrisy; how to love, and love, and to miracle, and to love.

How to love above all things.

On this Easter, March 31st 2024, Darkness rages hard against the Light. It rages to capture the joy from this day of acknowledging miracles and love. It rages to steal the spotlight from the soft and sacred nature of love-trascendence, of the resurrection of an all-loving Christ. It hisses and screams and grabs for the spotlight, swinging it into its leering face, sinkingly desperate to draw attention away from love, rebirth, miracle and endless Universal connection—to division. Hatred. Mockery.

Narcissism is the nature of Evil—a bottomless pit of unfulfilled need, forever starving for what it will never give itself: self-love.

Today, Easter Sunday happens to fall on March 31st. Easter falls on a differing date every year. However, the Trangender Day of Remeberance falls on March 31st, every year.

Yet this year, an election year, political extremists seeking reelection have capitalized on this dual-date fact, posting meme after meme about how the current President is celebrating Trans people instead of celebrating Chris—like they supposedly are.

The memes include POTUS smiling and embracing trans women and trans men.

And the irony of these memes is staggering.

These political extremists seek to paint themselves as he truly holy. They grandstand about their faith. Something Jesus spoke strongly against:

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
—Matthew 5:6 / NIV Bible

These political extremists chide the President for reaching out to out to—and being kind to—people in the trans community, human beings who these same self-proclaimed “Christians” deem as “lesser than”. Jesus had much to say on the marginalization of others:

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
—Matthew 25:40-45/ NIV Bible

In their avarice to keep their political office, these political extremists are in direct opposition with the teachings of the Christ Jesus they claim to worship.

It’s because their god is different. It is created in their own image, to represent their own purposes and their own ends. It is a god of convenience, of luxury. Of picking and choosing, of selfish reasons— “Jesus” is a brand they borrow, a camouflage to be accepted by those who seek the authority of Christ, an authority they wrongly borrow, for self-gain.

Their god is a god of deception, deceiving others, and deceiving themselves. Jesus talks about this as well:

43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!
— John 8:43 / NIV Bible

On this Easter Sunday, the internet explodes not only with the joy of rebirth and hope as Light eclipses Darkness—yet Darkness itself, as the Evil that shall not prevail in the world shrieks for attention in a way that it never has, with a hubris wreaking of the rage and blame and fear that accompanies the very desperation of that which is dying in the Light.

The Light.

Jesus, the Light of the World, the Teacher of love, acceptance and peace. Spring, the Light of the Earth, the Bringer of life and growth.

Jesus came into this world under great light. The Magi that visited Jesus at His birth were astrologers. They believed that God made the stars in the heavens to point to signs and wonders on the earth that helped humankind along a sometimes murky path.

The Magi followed a Light in the sky to Bethlehem. They followed the Light to the Light.

Right now, in the heavens, the planet Pluto has entered the astrological sign Aquarius, leaving the sign of Pisces. Pluto is the astrological planet that “governs” the shadow-side of ourselves, and society. These shadows may be issues we aren’t comfortable looking at.

When Pluto, the “shadow planet”, was in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the world was a bit polarized, more black and white. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which governs rules and money. The shadow planet Pluto spent 14 years in the areas of government, structure, and the practical. We saw authoritarian governments, individuals, and corporations grow in power.

Now it will spend 14 years in the sign of Aquarius ruled by the planet Uranus, the planet that governs innovation and surprising events.

Aquarius itself oversees independence, community, innovation, scientific reasoning, and looking at things in a rational way. Reckonings and lightning-bolt-in-a bottle innovations (technology, air travel) and community organizing is all part of Aquarius.

Jesus was quite the community organizer, quite the innovator. Jesus was quite the independent thinker. He looked at everything from a rational lens, a lens tempered in love—the great reckoner.

This Easter, we have shifted the “me” energies (Saturn viewpoint) to the “we” energies (Aquarian viewpoint.) This Easter, we have shifted to the Christ Consciousness.

What better time to celebrate the love for one another this Easter, the powerful overcoming of the “deaths” in our own lives—deaths in our consciousness, in our beliefs, in our courage, in our own thought processes, in our own life paths, in our own hearts.

Let us roll the massive stone away from the tomb of our own self-imposed-imprisonment, where the illusion of limitation and hopelessness is our captor, and the stagnant air of darkness is our all-too-familiar companion.

Welcome the rush of fresh air. Welcome hope and the renewing energy of the Light within all of us,

Like the Magi, we look to the heavens and see billions upon trillions of stars. They create a glow that picks a hole in the inkiest of blackness. We learn from the heavens about the power of connection. One glowing star makes a beautiful dot in the sky. Billions of stars then lights our walk through the forest at night.

It is their tapestry together that creates the magic.

That’s what Jesus came here to teach us, that our tapestry, together, weaves a world of peace and wonder in the amalgamated image of a Creator who is so diverse, it escapes our comprehension.

Nature reflects itself. Like the stars in the heavens, we humans burn brightly, each one of us. When combined together, we shine, and we light up each others’ paths through the forest in the darkness— just like the sun.

Just like the Son.

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Shining like the Son
