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Breaking and entering

As a stay-at-home-mom nothing fazes me. No mountain is too high, or too rugged to climb. Nor do I shrink back from some breaking and entering. Because to 'stay at home' you have to bé home first.

Shut myself out

Because today, one of my biggest fears came true: I accidentally shut myself out of the house. And with no spare key to be found, a long afternoon on the cold sidewalk lay ahead of me. Longingly I looked through our kitchen window, and rang our doorbell. But what do you know: there was nobody home. Those modern stay-at-home-moms are always out!

A-team style!

Luckily I paid close attention when I watched MacGyver, and The A-team, and I decided to take a page from their book and get creative! With a little garden shovel I managed to wrench the garden gate open, so I could get into our garden. I knew our bedroom window was wide open, and excitedly I grabbed our ladder and started climbing.


Alas! Either the ladder or I, was way too short. My eye fell on the mini trampoline, but I knew: even with a trampoline I won't be able to jump twelve feet into the air, and then dive into our bedroom. Not without a whole lot of Tena Lady anyway.

Screw the trampoline: I'll use screwdrivers

Then inspiration struck again: we have a lot of screw drivers in our garden shed. I hurried down my ladder and ran into the garden shed where I grabbed a bunch of screw drivers. Then I ran back to the kitchen window and started to unscrew the safety latch of the windows. I felt this pleasant rush of adrenaline. Breaking and entering is a real high!

Part two of my masterplan

With the window sabotaged, it was now time for part two of my masterplan. I pushed my head through the window, and wriggled the rest of me inside too. Triumphantly I set foot on our kitchen floor, and to celebrate I put on the kettle for a nice cup of tea.

But not before I looked up a security company in the yellow pages, because obviously: the security around our house is abysmal! Anybody can get in!

This post first appeared on Momfever, please read the originial post: here

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Breaking and entering
