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The Role of an Automatic Transfer Switch in Emergency Power Systems

The Role Of An Automatic Transfer Switch In Emergency Power Systems

Everyone who has an emergency power system knows the benefit of having one and some people and many industries and government buildings know how automatic transfer switches can be crucial for their work. Many times this invention has saved money, time and even lives through the years, so its importance cannot be disregarded. Let’s go over some of the basic roles of an automatic transfer switch.

How does it work?

The way an automatic transfer switch works is quite simple. When it detects a power interruption, it switches from the primary source to the secondary, which is your emergency power system. This occurs almost instantaneously, and it will keep your house or anything running without any trouble. When the power outage is finished, a reliable medium voltage transfer switch will detect it and switch back to the primary source, and you do not have to lift a finger. This device is very useful for people who are not at home all the time because it will keep your appliances running without any problems.

Saving lives

Most times automatic transfer switches are a tool that helps you keep work going but there are some instances where this tool can be life-saving and that is most certainly the case for hospitals. Imagine there is a surgery and in the middle of the procedure there is a blackout and the city loses its power. The hospital has a backup generator but until they get it running, many minutes will pass. These minutes in this situation are literally crucial, and the result of the surgery can be fatal. Most hospitals and similar institutions do not have to worry about this, at least in developed nations, and so these automatic switches may have saved countless lives, which is priceless.

Also, it should be said that there are many people who rely on instruments that keep them alive, and not having a backup power system with an automatic switch would mean that they would be in constant fear of there being a sudden blackout which could end their life. If you have pets, you won’t have to worry when you leave them at home that they will be cold, or even worse, when you are at work.

Saving money

We all know how important it is that our industries are always running and that they operate at maximum capacity, especially for the people that own them. Every factory nowadays is dependent on constant power sources to operate and if they do not have such sources, they can lose a lot of money. For some huge industries, even a couple of minutes of stopping production would mean losses of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, which no one would like. By having an automatic switch that will keep things going without any problems, these companies can work without any problems like nothing has happened. Also, when the power comes back on, the switch will turn it back to the primary source and keep losses at a minimum. A small investment in a power station can save some people enormous amounts of money.


Another great benefit of having a power switch is that you do not have to worry about there being a blackout. All you need is a backup generator with a switch and you can keep on working. Imagine if you live in an area where blackouts are a common thing and you need to start up your generator every time you have no power and turn to the primary source once you are able to. That means you would spend time going back and forth to the generator as well as needing to keep an eye on when the power comes back, which can be quite frustrating. Also, you should keep in mind that every time you lose power and your machinery stops working, you run the risk that it can break down because of the sudden loss of power. By having a power switch, which will make the transition from your primary to secondary source instant, you can focus on the work and make the device do its work.

Automatic vs manual switch

We have learned so far what the function of automatic switches is and now we will compare it to its counterpart – the manual switch – to see just what you get by choosing either one. With an automatic switch, you do not have to do anything, it does all the work itself, while with manual switches you have to turn the secondary power source manually. With the automatic switch, there is no interruption in the power supply while with manual switches, there is. The former has a built in safety system, while the latter does not. Even though they are more expensive, automatic switches will give you a quick and easy response to power outages. The biggest benefit that manual switches can give you is low maintenance in comparison to their counterparts because automatic switches require you to have them checked at least once a month.

You may need it!

Depending on where you live there may be legal requirements for you to have an automatic transfer switch for safety reasons. The last thing you want is for there to be an outage and something bad happens because of it or somebody in your company gets hurt because you didn’t have this device. This could mean legal problems for you and many sleepless nights. Business inspections can happen at any time and you could get fined if you do not adhere to the law. If you are unsure of whether you are obliged to use this device, you should immediately inform yourself, and our advice is that you should get it installed either way because of safety and ease of use reasons.

Automatic transfer switches can help you in a lot of ways especially if you need power all the time. They bring comfort and remove risks for many companies and people. By getting one you may save money, be safer, and definitely be more comfortable at any time.

The post The Role of an Automatic Transfer Switch in Emergency Power Systems appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

This post first appeared on Money And Productivity​. Short, ​Sweet & ​Si, please read the originial post: here

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The Role of an Automatic Transfer Switch in Emergency Power Systems
