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Energy Affordability, UK Households’ Financial Struggles


As the cost of living continues to rise, many households in the UK are facing significant challenges in affording their energy bills. Recent research conducted by Compare the Market reveals startling statistics about the financial strain experienced by a large portion of the population. From concerns about affording energy bills to resorting to debt and cutting back on essential expenses, the findings shed light on the pressing issue of energy affordability.

Struggling with Energy Bills

The research indicates that a staggering one in three households, amounting to 34%, express a lack of confidence in their ability to afford energy bills over the next twelve months. This uncertainty stems from the recent increase in the energy price cap, which saw a rise of £94 for a typical household at the beginning of the year, reaching £1,928 annually. Moreover, one in four households (25%) found it challenging to afford their most recent household bills, and a similar proportion (24%) anticipate struggling if energy bills continue to rise.

Impact on Household Finances

The financial strain caused by energy costs has prompted drastic measures among households. Nearly two in five households (39%) indicate a likelihood of taking on additional debt to cover everyday bills, with families, in particular, feeling the pressure. More than half of households with children under 18 (55%) anticipate resorting to extra debt to meet their financial obligations.

Adapting to Financial Pressures

In response to escalating costs, many households have been forced to tighten their belts and cut back on various expenses. Over half of respondents (50%) report reducing spending on eating out, while significant portions have curtailed expenditure on clothing (42%), leisure activities (39%), and holidays (38%). Despite these adjustments, a third of households (32%) admit feeling more pessimistic about their finances compared to the previous year.

Seeking Financial Relief

To alleviate financial burdens, many households have been actively seeking ways to save money. Two-thirds (66%) have shopped around for other household bills to divert funds toward energy costs. Furthermore, more than half (55%) have explored different energy tariffs in search of savings. However, despite these efforts, a significant portion of households remain unaware of government support schemes designed to assist with energy bills.

Awareness of Government Support

Alarmingly, a quarter of households (24%) are unaware of key government support schemes such as the Winter Fuel Payment, Cold Weather Payments, and the Warm Home Discount Scheme. This lack of awareness is particularly prevalent among households with children under 18, where 25% are uninformed about these vital programs.

Expert Insights

Sajni Shah, Utilities Expert at Compare the Market, expresses concern over the vulnerability of households to energy cost increases. Shah emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps such as shopping around for energy providers and exploring fixed tariffs for financial stability. Additionally, Shah advises households to familiarize themselves with available government support schemes to alleviate financial strain effectively.


The findings underscore the significant challenges faced by UK households in affording energy bills, highlighting the urgent need for action to address energy affordability issues. As households grapple with rising costs and financial uncertainties, awareness of available support mechanisms and proactive measures can play a crucial role in alleviating financial strain and ensuring energy affordability for all.

This post first appeared on Instant Payday Loans Online With No Credit Check (UK) - Bad Credit Friendly, please read the originial post: here

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Energy Affordability, UK Households’ Financial Struggles
