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GMB Ep 226: How to Tell Whether an Annuity is Right for Your Retirement

Annuities have earned a bad reputation within the financial community over the years, but why is that? When might an annuity actually make sense in retirement? And how can you tell whether they’re a good fit for you?

We’ve covered annuities a bit on the show over the years but haven’t described the fact pattern where an annuity might actually make some sense. In this episode we cover the fundamentals of retirement income planning, why mortality credits yield more income than bond interest, and when an annuity might be a good fit for your retirement.

Show Notes

[07:00] Annuities – Grant starts off the conversation by explaining annuities and why they are popular around the country.

[12:04] The 4% rule – Grant describes the popular retirement withdrawal method, “the 4% rule,” which implies retirees can securely withdraw 4% of their money in their first year.

[17:20] Mortality credits – Grant reviews longevity and annuity policies.

[23:30] Profitability – Grant explains how insurance companies design their products with their own profitability in mind.

[30:07] Candidacy – Grant explains who might be a good fit for annuities according to their background.


How Mortality Credits Make Annuities Work

Annuity Surrender Periods: Understand (and Avoid) Surrender Charges

The post GMB Ep 226: How to Tell Whether an Annuity is Right for Your Retirement appeared first on Above the Canopy.

This post first appeared on Above The Canopy, please read the originial post: here

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GMB Ep 226: How to Tell Whether an Annuity is Right for Your Retirement
