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Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Facts: Origin, Traits & Care Guide

Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Facts: Origin, Traits & Care Guide

Last Updated: March 28, 2024 by Lisa Melillo

As the dinner plates were cleared away and the last slices of pumpkin pie were being served, a lighthearted “What am I?” guessing game began to unfold in the cozy living room of my cousin’s house, surrounded by friends from our local kennel club. The air was filled with laughter and the soft clinking of coffee cups, a perfect backdrop for a game that combined our love for puzzles and pets. “I’m small but mighty, a blend of two spirited breeds, known for my luxurious coat and lively demeanor,” I announced, watching as brows furrowed and smiles spread across the faces of my fellow dog enthusiasts.

“Am I more likely to snuggle on your lap or attempt to outsmart you with my clever tricks,” The room buzzed with guesses. “Yorkie?” one friend ventured, only to shake her head, realizing there was more to the riddle. “Pomeranian?” another suggested, getting warmer but not quite there. With each clue, the anticipation built, until finally, a chorus of “Aha!” filled the room as someone called out, “You’re a Pomeranian Yorkie mix!”

This little game highlighted the charm of one of the most enchanting hybrid breeds known affectionately as the Pom-York or ‘Yorkeranian. Please keep reading to learn more about this delightful mix, including their care, temperament, and why they make such wonderful companions

Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Breed Overview

Common Breed Names Pom-York, Yorkeranian, Yoranian, Pomeranian Yorkie Mix
Weight Generally ranges from 3 to 7 pounds (1.4 to 3.2 kg)
Size Small
Lifespan 12 to 15 years
Coat Long, silky, and can be straight like a Yorkie or fluffy like a Pomeranian
Color black, white, brown, gold, or a mix
Shedding Tendency Low to moderate
Temperament: Affectionate, lively, and confident
Intelligence High; quick learners
Good with Children Yes
Activity Levels Moderately high

Pomeranian Yorkie Mix History and Origin

Diving into the world of dog breeds, especially when considering mixed breeds like the Pomeranian Yorkie mix, requires a good understanding of the parent breeds. These two breeds, the Pomeranian and the Yorkshire Terrier bring their unique characteristics, temperaments, and histories to the mix, creating a fascinating blend. While working with these dogs, observing their behaviors, and speaking with their owners, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know them quite intimately.


The Pomeranian, affectionately known as the Pom, is a breed that has fascinated me since my early days as a vet tech. Their history is as rich and fluffy as their coats. Originally bred in the Pomerania region of central Europe, these dogs were much larger in the past and used for herding sheep. It’s hard to imagine when you look at the tiny, spirited bundles we know today! Through selective breeding, especially under the influence of Queen Victoria, who favored smaller Poms, the breed’s size was significantly reduced.

Physical Characteristics

In observing Pomeranians over the years, I’ve been continuously charmed by their physical characteristics. A Pom’s most striking feature is undoubtedly its luxurious double coat. This fluffy exterior, which I’ve often joked serves as their cloud, comes in a variety of colors, including red, orange, white, and black. Their alert, fox-like faces are framed by a set of perky ears and bright, curious eyes that seem to miss nothing. Despite their small size, typically weighing between 3 to 7 pounds, they carry themselves with an impressive, almost regal, demeanor. Their plumed tail, which fans out over their back, adds to their aristocratic appearance, something that never fails to draw admiring glances at the dog park.

Temperament and Personality

The temperament and personality of the Pomeranian are as distinctive as their physical characteristics. These dogs are the epitome of a big personality in a small package. I’ve noticed that Poms often seem unaware of their diminutive size; they’re bold, confident, and can even be quite bossy. Their energy levels are high, and they’re always up for a play session, which makes them delightful companions for those who can match their enthusiasm.

However, it’s not all play with Pomeranians. They’re also incredibly loyal and affectionate with their families. I’ve seen Poms become quite protective of their owners, a trait that, while endearing, requires careful management to ensure they don’t become overly territorial. Their intelligence is another point of pride; Poms are quick learners, eager to please, and capable of performing a variety of tricks and commands, a testament to their working dog heritage. This combination of traits—their boldness, loyalty, intelligence, and energy—makes the Pomeranian a truly captivating breed to be around.


The Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, is a breed that never ceases to capture hearts, including mine. Its origins are humble, contrasting sharply with the luxurious appearance it is known for today. Originating from the county of Yorkshire in England during the 19th century, Yorkies were bred to catch rats in the burgeoning mills and mines. This working-class background belies the elegance and vivacity that define the breed now, a transformation I find absolutely fascinating. Through years of careful breeding, the Yorkie has transitioned from a ratter to a beloved companion, gracing the laps and homes of many with its presence.

Physical Characteristics

Observing a Yorkie, one can’t help but be enchanted by its fine, silky coat, which is more akin to human hair than traditional dog fur. This unique coat, which comes in tan and blue, requires regular grooming, something I often remind new Yorkie owners. Despite their small stature, typically weighing no more than 7 pounds, Yorkies carry themselves with an unmistakable air of importance and confidence. Their compact bodies are well-proportioned, and they possess a level of agility and strength that surprises many first-time observers. I’ve often laughed as I watched these tiny titans navigate obstacle courses with the prowess of a much larger dog, a reminder of their tenacious spirit.

Temperament and Personality

The temperament and personality of the Yorkie are marked by a blend of spunk, affection, and intelligence. In my experiences, Yorkies exhibit a fearless disposition, often standing up to dogs much larger than themselves, unaware or perhaps simply unconcerned about their small size. This bravery, coupled with a deep loyalty to their owners, makes them excellent companions, although it can sometimes lead to challenges in managing their interactions with other pets and strangers.

Yorkies have a reputation for being vocal, a trait that I’ve observed firsthand. While this makes them excellent watchdogs, alerting their families to any unusual occurrences, it can also require some training to manage appropriately. Beyond their bold and vigilant nature, Yorkies are incredibly affectionate. They thrive on human companionship, often preferring the comfort of a lap to the solitude of a dog bed. Their intelligence is not to be underestimated; Yorkies are quick learners, capable of mastering complex commands and tricks, which is always a joy to witness.

Physical Characteristics of the Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

I’ve had the unique pleasure of meeting several of these charming hybrids. Each one presents a fascinating blend of their parent breeds’ best physical traits, making them a subject of endless fascination and affection for dog lovers. As such, learning about this breed feels like opening a treasure chest of delightful surprises.

Height and Weight

One of the first questions prospective Pom-York owners often ask is about their size. Based on my observations and the stories shared by their owners, Pom-Yorks generally stand about 6 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder. Their weight, a direct reflection of their Pomeranian and Yorkie heritage, typically ranges from a dainty 3 pounds to a more sturdy 7 pounds. This size makes them ideal for a variety of living situations, from spacious homes with yards to cozy city apartments. Despite their small stature, they carry themselves with a confidence and presence that belies their size, something I’ve always found both amusing and endearing.

Coat and Colors

The coat of a Pom-York is where the magic of genetics really comes into play, offering a rich tapestry of possibilities. I’ve been captivated by the variety in their coats—ranging from the silky, straight flow reminiscent of the Yorkie to the fluffy, voluminous allure of the Pomeranian. The colors of their coats can span a wide spectrum, including black, white, brown, gold, and sometimes a mix of these, reflecting the diverse palette of their parent breeds. Their fur requires regular grooming to maintain its appearance and health, a task that owners often find to be a delightful aspect of their care routine, providing a wonderful opportunity for bonding.

Size and Body Shape

They inherit a well-proportioned blend of their parents’ best features. As such, their bodies often reflect the sturdy, compact frame of the Yorkie, while their facial features and fluffy tails hint at their Pomeranian lineage. Observing them in motion is a treat; they move with a sprightly, confident gait that’s full of personality. The exact proportions can vary from one Pom-York to another, with some displaying more pronounced characteristics of one parent breed over the other. However, all of them share a common trait: a remarkable ability to capture hearts with their endearing appearance and spirited demeanor.

Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Personality and Temperament

Pom-Yorks inherit a rich tapestry of traits from their Pomeranian and Yorkie ancestors, blending the best of both worlds into one compact package. They are vivacious, spirited dogs that don’t seem to realize their small stature. In my interactions with them, I’ve been struck by their boundless energy and zest for life. Whether they’re exploring new corners of the garden or eagerly participating in playtime, their enthusiasm is infectious.

One of the most endearing qualities of the Pom-York is their loyalty. They form deep bonds with their families, offering affection and companionship in spades. This loyalty, while heartwarming, also translates into a protective nature. I’ve seen Pom-Yorks who were always alert, ready to signal their family of any perceived threats, despite their small size. This protective instinct means they can sometimes be wary of strangers, but with proper socialization from a young age, they generally warm up quickly.

Intelligence shines brightly in the Pom-York mix. Their keen minds, inherited from both parent breeds, make them quick learners who are eager to please. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Pom-Yorks in training sessions where they’ve demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for picking up new commands and tricks. This intelligence, coupled with their desire for engagement, means they thrive on mental stimulation and enjoy interactive play and problem-solving activities.

However, it’s important to note that their intelligence and energy need to be channeled appropriately. Without sufficient mental and physical exercise, they can sometimes engage in mischievous behavior. I’ve advised many Pom-York owners to keep their little companions engaged with toys, games, and regular playtimes to prevent boredom and encourage positive behavior.

Finally, their sociable nature can’t be overstated. Pom-Yorks generally enjoy the company of other dogs and pets, especially when introduced properly and socialized early. Observing them in playgroups, I’ve been delighted by their playful interactions and ability to make fast friends. However, their small size means play with larger dogs should be supervised to ensure they’re not accidentally injured.

Training and Exercise Needs of a Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

Training and exercise are crucial elements of caring for a Pomeranian Yorkie mix, ensuring they grow into well-behaved, happy, and healthy dogs. They thrive on attention and engagement, making the training process an excellent opportunity to strengthen the bond between you and your Pom-York. But remember, their small size doesn’t mean they need less exercise or mental stimulation—quite the contrary.


Training a Pom-York requires patience, consistency, and a positive approach. These dogs are eager to please but can also exhibit a streak of independence, likely inherited from their Yorkshire Terrier lineage. I’ve found that positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise, treats, and playtime, are incredibly effective. They respond well to encouragement and are quick to learn when they associate training with positive outcomes.

One thing to note is their sensitivity to tone. Pom-Yorks can become withdrawn or anxious if harsh methods are used. It’s essential to maintain a gentle, encouraging tone during training sessions. Also, due to their intelligence, they can become bored with repetitive tasks, so I always advise mixing up the training routines to keep them engaged and interested.


Despite their small size, Pom-Yorks possess a surprising amount of energy. They require daily exercise to maintain their health and prevent behavior problems related to pent-up energy. Walks are always a good start, but I’ve noticed they particularly enjoy play sessions that challenge them both physically and mentally. Games like fetch, tug-of-war, or even agility courses designed for small dogs can provide excellent outlets for their energy.

It’s also worth noting that their exercise needs should be met with an understanding of their physical limitations. Their small legs mean long hikes might be too much, but they’ll happily explore new environments at their own pace. Balancing exercise with their physical capabilities is key to keeping them healthy without overexertion.

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise for the Pom-York. Their sharp minds need regular engagement to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. Puzzle toys, training new tricks, or even hide-and-seek games can provide mental workouts that exhaust them in the best way possible. I’ve seen how Pom-Yorks light up with the challenge of solving a puzzle or mastering a new command, showing just how much they crave mental engagement.


Socialization is crucial for the Pom-York, particularly in their formative weeks and months. Due to their protective nature, they can be wary of strangers and new environments. Early, positive experiences with different people, dogs, and situations can help them become well-adjusted adults. I’ve advised many Pom-York owners to gradually introduce their pets to a variety of settings, ensuring each experience is positive and non-threatening.

Group training classes can be a great way to socialize them while also working on obedience skills. However, it’s important to monitor their interactions with larger dogs to prevent any accidental harm due to their small size. Socialization should be a continuous part of their life, helping them maintain their sociable and confident nature.

Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Health Issues

Understanding the health concerns of the Pomeranian Yorkie mix is crucial for prospective and current owners alike. This knowledge not only prepares you for potential challenges but also equips you with the insights needed to provide the best care for your furry friend.

Dental Issues

One of the most common health concerns I’ve encountered in small breeds like the Pom-York is dental issues. Their compact jaw size can lead to overcrowded teeth, making them more susceptible to plaque buildup, gum disease, and tooth loss. I’ve found that regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential, along with daily tooth brushing at home. Symptoms of dental problems can include bad breath, difficulty eating, and a reluctance to chew toys. Early intervention and consistent dental hygiene can make a significant difference in preventing severe dental disease.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation, a condition where the kneecap dislocates out of its normal position, is another issue I’ve frequently observed in Pom-Yorks. It can range from mild, causing occasional discomfort, to severe, requiring surgical intervention. Signs to watch for include limping, sudden yelps of pain during activity, and an abnormal gait. Strengthening exercises, weight management, and in some cases, surgery, can help manage this condition. I’ve learned that early detection and treatment are key to ensuring a good quality of life for dogs with patellar luxation.


Especially in smaller Pom-Yorks, hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can be a concern. I’ve realized the importance of educating owners about recognizing the signs of hypoglycemia, which include lethargy, muscle weakness, and in severe cases, seizures. Feeding small, frequent meals and keeping a close eye on your dog’s energy levels can help prevent drops in blood sugar. For dogs prone to hypoglycemia, having a glucose supplement on hand can be a lifesaver.

Collapsed Trachea

The collapsed trachea is a condition often seen in small breeds, where the tracheal rings weaken and cause breathing difficulties. Symptoms include a honking cough, especially when excited or after drinking water, along with labored breathing or a blue-tinged gum color. Weight management and avoiding neck strain with harnesses instead of collars can help manage symptoms. I’ve found that understanding the early signs and modifying activities can significantly improve the quality of life for dogs with this condition.

Skin and Coat Problems

The Pom-York mix can inherit a propensity for skin and coat issues from both parent breeds. Allergies, leading to itchy skin and dermatitis, are not uncommon. Regular grooming and using hypoallergenic shampoos can help, as can identifying and avoiding allergens. I’ve also emphasized the importance of a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids to support skin and coat health. Recognizing early signs of skin discomfort and consulting with a veterinarian can prevent minor issues from escalating.

How to Care for a Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

I’ve learned that a well-groomed coat not only keeps them looking their best but also prevents skin issues. Similarly, providing nutritious food tailored to their specific dietary needs can support their overall health, energy levels, and longevity. Here is a comprehensive care guide for this breed.

Grooming a Pom-York

Grooming a Pom-York is an essential aspect of their care that goes a long way in maintaining their overall health and happiness. Through years of caring for dogs, I’ve realized that a consistent grooming routine not only keeps their coat in excellent condition but also strengthens the bond between you and your pet. Below is a detailed grooming routine for a Pom-York, broken down into manageable activities.


I recommend starting with regular brushing sessions. Due to their mixed heritage, Pom-Yorks can have a variety of coat types, ranging from the silky strands of the Yorkie to the fluffy fur of the Pomeranian. I also suggest brushing their coat at least three times a week to prevent tangles and matting. It’s an excellent opportunity to check for any skin issues, lumps, or parasites. You can use a pin brush or a slicker brush.


Bathing should be done as needed, typically every 3-4 weeks, to keep their coat clean and healthy. I’ve learned that using a mild, dog-specific shampoo is important to avoid drying out their skin. For Pom-Yorks with sensitive skin, hypoallergenic or natural dog shampoos are great options. After bathing, gently drying them with a towel and a low-heat hair dryer helps prevent any colds, especially in cooler climates.

Ear Care

Pom-Yorks can be prone to ear infections, so regular ear checks and cleaning are essential. I suggest using a vet-recommended ear-cleaning solution and cotton balls to gently wipe the outer ear canal. It’s important not to insert anything into the ear canal itself. I’ve found that keeping the hair around the ears trimmed can also help prevent buildup and improve air circulation.

Nail Trimming

Keeping their nails trimmed is another crucial part of grooming. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and even lead to walking difficulties. I recommend trimming the nails every 3-4 weeks, using a dog-specific nail clipper. If you’re unsure about doing it yourself, a professional groomer or your veterinarian can help.

Dental Care

Regular teeth brushing is important given their susceptibility to dental issues. Using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, aim to brush their teeth several times a week. This practice helps prevent tartar buildup, gum disease, and tooth loss. Additionally, dental chews can be a helpful supplement to maintain oral health.

Feeding a Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

Over my years of experience with canines, I’ve learned how a well-balanced diet can help prevent a range of health issues, from obesity to skin conditions, while also providing the energy dogs need. Portion control is particularly crucial for small breeds like the Pom-York, as their small size makes them more susceptible to weight gain, which can exacerbate health problems such as joint issues and heart disease. Here, I’ll share some feeding guidelines that I’ve found effective.

Choose High-Quality Dog Food

Selecting high-quality dog food is the foundation of good nutrition. I’ve noticed that foods specifically formulated for small breeds are often the best dog food for Pom-Yorks, as they’re designed to meet the energy needs of active, small-sized dogs. These formulas also have smaller kibble sizes, making them easier for tiny mouths to chew. I recommend looking for foods that list a high-quality protein source as the first ingredient and that include a balance of healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health.

Monitor Portion Sizes

Controlling portion sizes is crucial for preventing obesity in Pom-Yorks. Given their small size, even a little extra food can lead to significant weight gain. I’ve found that following the feeding guidelines on the dog food packaging is a good starting point, but it’s also important to adjust these amounts based on your dog’s age, activity level, and metabolism. A common recommendation I share with pet owners is to divide the daily food portion into two meals, which helps keep their metabolism steady and prevents overeating.

Consider Health-Specific Formulas

For Pom-Yorks with specific health concerns, such as allergies or sensitivities, I’ve realized that health-specific formulas can make a big difference. Hypoallergenic or limited-ingredient diets can help manage skin and coat issues, while formulas designed for dogs with sensitive stomachs can aid digestion. Always consult your veterinarian before making a switch to a specialized diet to ensure it’s the right choice for your dog’s specific needs.

Offer Treats in Moderation

While it’s tempting to shower these adorable dogs with treats, it’s important to give them in moderation. Treats should only make up a small percentage of your dog’s daily calorie intake to avoid weight gain. Opt for healthy options like small pieces of carrot or apple, which can provide a crunchy, low-calorie snack.

Living Requirements of a Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

Pom-Yorks are remarkably adaptable when it comes to their living environment. Their small size makes them well-suited to apartment living, provided they receive adequate daily exercise to burn off their bountiful energy. I’ve observed that despite their adaptability, they thrive in settings where they can receive plenty of attention and companionship. These dogs form strong bonds with their families and can struggle with loneliness if left alone for extended periods. Thus, a home where someone is frequently present is ideal. Access to a safe, enclosed outdoor space for play can be a bonus, but regular walks and indoor play can suffice for their exercise needs.

Who is it Suitable For?

Based on my experience, Pom-Yorks are particularly well-suited to individuals or families who can devote a good deal of time and attention to their pets. Their small size and adaptable nature make them excellent companions for city dwellers with limited space. Additionally, their playful and affectionate temperament makes them a great fit for families with older children who understand how to handle small dogs gently. For those looking for a loyal and spirited companion to share in their daily activities, whether it’s a cozy night in or a jaunt around the neighborhood, a Pom York can be the perfect fit.

Who it’s not Suitable For

Pom-Yorks might not be the best match for everyone. Given their need for companionship and mental stimulation, they might not be the best choice for individuals who are away from home for long hours and unable to provide them with the attention they require. Moreover, their small size and somewhat delicate nature mean they might not be the ideal pet for families with very young children who might accidentally handle them too roughly. Additionally, if you’re someone who prefers a more independent dog or one that requires less grooming and daily care, you might find another breed to be a better match for your lifestyle.

FAQs about the Pomeranian Yorkie Mix

How big do Pomeranian Yorkie mixes get?

Pomeranian Yorkie mixes generally reach a height of 6 to 12 inches at the shoulder and typically weigh between 3 to 7 pounds. Their small size makes them ideal for various living situations, from apartments to larger homes with yards. It’s essential, however, to ensure they have enough space to play and explore safely.

What is the lifespan of a Pomeranian Yorkie mix?

With proper care, a Pomeranian Yorkie mix can enjoy a lifespan of approximately 12 to 15 years. Factors contributing to their longevity include genetics, diet, exercise, and regular veterinary care to manage any health issues that may arise.

Are Pomeranian Yorkie mixes good with children?

Pom-Yorks can be good with older children who understand how to interact with dogs gently, especially considering the small size and somewhat delicate nature of this breed. They may not be the best fit for families with very young children, as rough play could inadvertently harm the dog. Socialization and teaching children how to respect the dog’s boundaries are key to fostering a positive relationship.

Do Pomeranian Yorkie mixes require a lot of grooming?

Yes, Pomeranian Yorkie mixes typically require regular grooming to maintain their coat’s health and appearance. Their coat may vary from silky and straight to fluffy and voluminous, depending on which parent breed’s traits are more dominant. Regular brushing, occasional baths, and professional grooming every few months can help prevent matting and keep their coat in good condition.

Are they easy to train?

Pom-Yorks are generally intelligent and eager to please, which can make them relatively easy to train with the right approach. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, are effective in teaching them new commands and behaviors. However, their small size and spirited nature mean they may sometimes have a streak of stubbornness, so patience and consistency are key.

Can Pomeranian Yorkie mixes adapt to apartment living?

Absolutely! Pomeranian Yorkie mixes are well-suited for apartment living due to their small size and adaptable nature. They do require daily exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy, so regular walks and playtime are essential, even in a smaller living space.

What health issues should potential owners be aware of?

Potential owners should be aware of health issues common to the breed, including dental problems, patellar luxation, hypoglycemia, collapsed trachea, and skin and coat issues. Regular veterinary check-ups and a proactive approach to health care can help manage these conditions and ensure a long, healthy life for a Pom-York.

Final Woof: A Compact Companion Brimming with Energy

Originating from a blend of two esteemed breeds, the Pomeranian and the Yorkshire Terrier, this mix inherits the spirited energy, intelligence, and affectionate nature of its parents, all wrapped up in a compact and adaptable package.

Care for the Pom-York, as we’ve explored, involves a commitment to grooming, a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and ample mental stimulation to cater to their active minds and bodies. This breed thrives in environments where they can receive plenty of love and attention, making them an ideal fit for individuals or families who are home often and can devote time to their furry companion.

The Pom-York is particularly well-suited to those living in apartments or homes with limited space, thanks to their small size and adaptable nature. They are a joy for those who appreciate a dog that is eager to participate in family activities, enjoys learning new tricks, and provides constant affection and companionship.

However, this breed may not be for everyone. Individuals who are away from home for long hours, families with very young children, or those seeking a more independent or low-maintenance dog might find that a Pom-York does not align with their lifestyle or preferences.

The post Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Facts: Origin, Traits & Care Guide appeared first on Woof Whiskers.

This post first appeared on Woof & Whiskers, please read the originial post: here

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Pomeranian Yorkie Mix Facts: Origin, Traits & Care Guide
