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Great Dane Mastiff Mix: Is This Gentle Giant the Right Dog for You?

Great Dane Mastiff Mix: Is This Gentle Giant The Right Dog For You?

Last Updated: March 28, 2024 by Lisa Melillo

Let’s dive into the world of the Great Dane Mastiff Mix, a gentle giant that captures hearts with its sheer size and loving nature. Often known as a “Daniff,” this breed blend combines the best of two iconic giants. Imagine the towering grace of a Great Dane with the robust strength of a Mastiff. Intriguing, isn’t it?

In my journey as a vet tech, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several Daniffs. Each one has left a paw print on my heart. Their blend of loyalty and gentleness is unmatched. If you’re curious about what makes this mix so special, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore the majestic world of the Great Dane Mastiff Mix together.

Great Dane Mastiff Mix Quick Breed Summary

Height 28 to 34 inches 
Weight 120 to 200 pounds 
Color Fawn, brindle, black, blue harlequin (varied patterns) 
Coat Short and low maintenance 
Personality Gentle despite their size, loyal, protective, social 
Shedding Tendency Minimal 
Barking Tendency Minimal 
Cost $600 to $3,000
Lifespan 8 to 12 years 

Origin of the Great Dane Mastiff 

The Great Dane Mastiff Mix, or the Daniff, is a modern creation, a testament to the appeal of hybrid vigor. This term refers to the phenomenon where the first-generation offspring of two different breeds exhibits better genetic qualities than either parent.

The exact origin of the Daniff is shrouded in the recent past, likely originating in an effort to combine the formidable size and gentle nature of two of the most iconic giant breeds. The idea was to create a companion animal that embodies the physical and temperamental strengths of both the Great Dane and the Mastiff.

The Great Dane: A Gentle Giant

The Great Dane’s history is fascinating, with its ancestry believed to date back to ancient times. Initially bred for hunting and guarding, these dogs were valued for their speed, strength, and intimidating size. However, as the years passed, the breed’s role evolved. The modern Great Dane is more of a gentle companion than a fierce hunter, known for its affectionate nature and love of family.

Great Danes today are often referred to as ‘gentle giants’ for their loving disposition and surprisingly gentle touch, despite their large size. They are adaptable and able to live comfortably in both large homes with yards and smaller living spaces, as long as they get enough exercise. Their history of companionship and loyalty makes them well-suited to a variety of roles, from family pets to emotional support animals.

The Mastiff: A Noble Protector

Similarly, the Mastiff has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. These dogs were used as guardians and protectors. Their size and strength make them formidable opponents to any intruder. In ancient times, they marched alongside soldiers in war. However, in more recent history, they have taken on the role of gentle protectors of the home.

Mastiffs are loyal and protective. They form strong bonds with their families. They are particularly good with children, displaying a patient and gentle demeanor. Despite their size, Mastiffs are known for being ‘gentle giants,’ much like their Great Dane counterparts. They require regular exercise to stay healthy but are otherwise content to relax with their families.

Physical Characteristics of Great Dane Mastiffs 

Stepping into the world of the Great Dane Mastiff Mix is like entering a gallery of living, breathing art. Each Daniff is a masterpiece of nature, blending the striking physical traits of its parent breeds into one awe-inspiring package.

A Towering Presence

When you first lay eyes on a Daniff, their size is what catches your breath. I’ve had the joy of working with these gentle giants and, let me tell you, their stature is nothing short of impressive.

A Great Dane Mastiff Mix can stand anywhere from 28 to 34 inches tall at the shoulder. Imagine looking into the eyes of a dog that stands almost three feet tall! Their height, combined with a robust build inherited from the Mastiff side, makes them one of the largest dog breeds you’ll encounter.

Weight-wise, they’re just as remarkable. A full-grown Daniff can tip the scales at anywhere between 120 to 200 pounds. Handling a dog of this size requires more than physical strength. You also need a bit of know-how to ensure they’re properly cared for and managed.

Coat and Color: A Patchwork of Possibilities

The coat of a Daniff is where things get really interesting. Their fur is typically short, inheriting this trait from both parent breeds, making them relatively low maintenance in the grooming department. However, don’t let the short coat fool you; they can still shed quite a bit. Regular brushing will become your new best friend to keep those loose hairs at bay.

Color-wise, the palette is as varied as a painter’s. I’ve seen Daniffs in a range of hues. They range from the classic fawn and brindle of their Mastiff lineage to the blacks, blues, and harlequin patterns often seen in Great Danes. It’s like each Daniff decides to wear a coat that best suits their personality, making each one unique.

Beyond Size and Coat

But there’s more to the Daniff than just their size and coat. They have deeply expressive eyes, reflecting a gentle soul beneath their formidable exterior. And their ears, usually floppy and soft. They add to their gentle giant persona, framing a face that’s hard not to love.

Their body is a study of strength and grace. A Daniff moves with surprising elegance, considering their size, a trait undoubtedly inherited from the Great Dane. Watching a Daniff in motion is to see power and poise combined.

Great Dane Mastiff Personality 

Interacting with a Daniff, you quickly realize that their physical characteristics are just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface lies a heart as big as their body, ready to envelop you in warmth and affection. Their physical traits might draw you in, but it’s their gentle nature that will capture your heart.

A Gentle Giant’s Heart

When it comes to personality, the Great Dane Mastiff Mix is something of a gentle giant. Having spent time around these dogs, I can tell you firsthand—they’re as kind as they are big. Imagine a creature so large it could easily knock over furniture (and sometimes does!), yet chooses to nuzzle up gently instead. That’s a Daniff for you. They embody the loving nature of both the Great Dane and the Mastiff, making them fantastic family pets.

Their temperament is one of gentle patience, often making them great companions for children. They have this uncanny ability to match their energy levels to the room’s vibe. If the house is bustling, they’re happy to be in the middle of it all. But when it’s time to wind down, there’s nowhere they’d rather be than sprawled out at your feet, or better yet, taking up a good portion of the couch.

Loyalty and Protection

Now, let’s talk about their protective instincts. While Daniffs are gentle, they inherit a strong sense of loyalty and protection from their Mastiff lineage. This doesn’t mean they’re aggressive—far from it. They’re more the type to stand in front of you, a silent guardian, rather than bark or growl. Their sheer size is often enough to deter any unwelcome visitors.

I’ve seen Daniffs become incredibly attached to their families, showing a level of devotion that’s truly heartwarming. They’re the kind of dog that wants to be involved in everything you do, whether that’s watching TV or going for a walk. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and they’ll often follow you from room to room, just to keep you company.

Adaptable and Content

Daniffs shine with their remarkable adaptability. Whether sprawling out in a spacious backyard or making themselves comfy in a more modest living area, they find their joy. This flexibility in living conditions makes them suited for various homes. Just remember, no matter the size of their living space, daily exercise is non-negotiable to keep them content and healthy.

Their ability to adjust to different living situations is truly one of their most lovable traits. It’s this versatility that endears them to so many. They seamlessly integrate into the family dynamic, becoming an irreplaceable part of the household. Their presence is a constant source of comfort and joy, making every day with them a unique adventure.

Taking Care of Daniffs

In caring for a Daniff, it’s all about balance. A balanced diet, consistent grooming, adequate exercise, and plenty of mental challenges keep them healthy and content. These gentle giants bring immense joy and companionship, making every effort to care for them well worth it.


Feeding a Daniff requires thoughtful consideration to match their large stature and energetic nature. A diet rich in proteins and fats, tailored for large breeds, provides the necessary nutrients for their health. High-quality dog food that supports joint health and maintains muscle mass is ideal.

Since every Daniff is unique, consulting with a vet can guide you to the best diet plan, considering age, activity level, and any health concerns.

Portion control is key to avoiding overfeeding, a common issue in large breeds that can lead to obesity and related health problems. Typically, adult Daniffs thrive on two meals a day. This schedule helps manage hunger and energy levels throughout the day.

Treats are great for training and bonding, but remember, they should only make up a small portion of the daily caloric intake to maintain a healthy weight.


Grooming a Daniff is thankfully less intensive than for many other breeds, but it does require consistent attention. Their coat is short, which simplifies the grooming process. However, don’t let the short coat fool you; Daniffs do shed, especially seasonally. They’re not considered heavy shedders like some breeds, but you’ll still find hair around the house.

Weekly brushing becomes essential to manage their shedding. Using a firm bristle brush helps remove loose fur, reducing the amount that ends up on your floors and furniture.

Bathing your Daniff every few months, or as needed when they get particularly dirty, helps keep their skin healthy and coat shiny. Remember, too frequent baths can strip their skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Sometimes, you may need a specialized dog shampoo to soothe itchy skin or address other skin allergies.

Nail care is another crucial aspect of grooming. Regular trimming keeps their nails at a healthy length, preventing discomfort and potential issues with walking or running. Ear cleaning should also be part of the routine to prevent infections, especially given their floppy ears.


Daniffs need regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. About 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity daily is recommended, which can be split between walks, playtime, and other activities.

They enjoy long walks, which not only provide physical exercise but also mental stimulation from exploring their environment.

In addition to walks, play sessions in a securely fenced area allow them to expend energy safely. Activities like fetch, agility training, and gentle tug-of-war engage their muscles and minds.

Starting exercise routines gradually and paying attention to their response is crucial, especially as puppies, to avoid strain on their developing joints.

Mental Stimulation

Mental engagement is crucial for Daniffs to prevent boredom and promote a well-balanced demeanor. Puzzle toys that challenge their problem-solving skills can keep them occupied and mentally stimulated.

Regular training sessions also provide mental exercise, reinforcing commands and tricks that help manage their size and strength positively.

Interactive games that encourage them to think and react, like hide-and-seek with treats or toys, enrich their daily routine and strengthen your bond. Keeping their minds active with a variety of stimulating activities ensures a happy, well-behaved Daniff.

How to Train a Great Dane Mastiff Mix

Training a Great Dane Mastiff Mix, or Daniff, is an adventure filled with challenges and rewards. As someone who’s navigated this journey, I can tell you it’s both a commitment and a profound opportunity to bond with your gentle giant.

Begin Training Early

The importance of starting training as soon as your Daniff puppy arrives cannot be overstated. Early training establishes the foundational commands and behaviors that will shape their future. It’s much easier to mold a young, impressionable puppy than to correct a full-sized adult Daniff.

Begin with simple commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” which are the building blocks for more advanced training.

Prioritize Socialization

Socialization is crucial for developing a well-rounded and confident Daniff. Expose them to a variety of people, animals, environments, and situations from a young age. This exposure helps prevent fearfulness and aggression, ensuring your Daniff grows into a sociable and amiable dog.

Regular visits to dog parks, pet-friendly cafes, and walks in bustling neighborhoods are great ways to socialize your puppy.

Remember, positive experiences during these outings are key to fostering a positive outlook toward new encounters.

Consistency Is Crucial

Consistency in commands, rules, and daily routines helps your Daniff understand what’s expected of them. Use the same words for commands and apply the rules uniformly across different situations. Consistency eliminates confusion, making it easier for your Daniff to follow through with desired behaviors.

Employ Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the cornerstone of effective training. Rewarding your Daniff with treats, praise, or playtime for obeying commands or exhibiting good behavior reinforces their willingness to learn and please. This approach not only strengthens your bond but also encourages your Daniff to repeat those positive behaviors.

On the flip side, negative reinforcement or punishment can erode trust and lead to behavioral issues.

The Most Common Health Problems in Great Dane Mastiffs

Owning a Great Dane Mastiff mix, or Daniff, brings immense joy and companionship. However, it also comes with the responsibility of being aware of certain health challenges common to large breeds. These majestic animals inherit traits from both Great Danes and Mastiffs, making them susceptible to a range of health issues

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a degenerative condition frequently seen in large dogs, where the hip joint fails to develop correctly, leading to pain and arthritis. This can severely impact a Daniff’s mobility and quality of life.

  • Maintain a healthy weight for your Daniff to reduce pressure on the hips.
  • Incorporate joint-supporting nutrients into their diet, following veterinary advice.
  • Regular, moderate exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the hip joints, but avoid overexertion.

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (Bloat)

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, more commonly known as bloat, is an emergency condition where the stomach expands with gas and twists on itself. This can quickly become fatal without immediate treatment.

  • Feed your Daniff several smaller meals throughout the day instead of one large meal.
  • Prevent vigorous activity before and after meals to allow for proper digestion.
  • Consider using a slow-feeder bowl to minimize air swallowing during meals.


Cardiomyopathy involves the deterioration of the heart muscle, diminishing its ability to pump blood effectively. This condition is particularly concerning as it can lead to congestive heart failure.

  • Ensure your Daniff gets regular check-ups that include heart evaluations.
  • Be vigilant for signs of heart disease, such as reduced exercise tolerance or fainting spells, and report them to your vet.
  • Discuss with your veterinarian about medications that can help manage symptoms and support heart function.


Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer that is unfortunately common among large-breed dogs. It’s aggressive and can cause significant discomfort.

  • Regularly inspect your Daniff for any signs of discomfort, swelling, or pain in the bones or joints, as early detection is key.
  • Consult with your vet immediately if you notice any abnormalities.
  • Treatment may involve a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and pain management strategies.


Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, leading to metabolic issues. Symptoms can include weight gain, lethargy, and changes in the coat and skin.

  • Keep an eye out for symptoms like sluggishness and changes in coat quality.
  • Thyroid levels should be checked regularly as part of your Daniff’s health screening.
  • If diagnosed, daily medication can effectively manage this condition, allowing your dog to lead a normal, active life.

The Costs of Owning a Daniff

Owning a Daniff comes with its own set of financial considerations. These gentle giants are more than just lovable companions. They require a significant investment in their health, happiness, and well-being.

Initial Costs

  • Purchase Price: The cost of a Daniff puppy can vary widely based on the breeder’s reputation, location, and the puppy’s lineage. Prices can range from $600 to $3,000. Choosing a reputable breeder who prioritizes health and temperament is crucial.
  • Initial Veterinary Care: Early veterinary visits for vaccinations, deworming, and health screenings are essential for a puppy’s well-being. Setting aside $200-$500 for these initial healthcare needs is a wise move. Additionally, spaying or neutering can add to the initial costs, usually ranging from $200 to $500.

Ongoing Costs

  • Feeding: Daniffs have large appetites to match their size. High-quality, large-breed dog food is necessary to keep them healthy and support their joint and muscle health. Expect to spend $60-$100 monthly on dog food, depending on the brand and your dog’s specific dietary needs.
  • Veterinary Care: Routine veterinary care, including vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and annual check-ups, is vital. Setting aside $500-$1,000 annually for healthcare is realistic.
  • Pet Insurance: Given the potential for breed-specific health issues and the costs of emergency medical care, pet insurance is worth considering. Premiums can range from $30 to $70 per month.

Additional Costs

  • Grooming: Daniffs require minimal grooming compared to other breeds. The costs for nail trims, occasional baths, and basic grooming supplies can add up to $100-$300 annually.
  • Accessories and Supplies: Beds, leashes, collars, toys, and other supplies are necessary for your Daniff’s comfort and entertainment. Initial setup costs can be $200-$500, with ongoing replacement and the addition of toys and supplies adding to the expense.
  • Training: Professional training classes or private sessions are highly recommended, especially for a breed as large and powerful as a Daniff. Expect to spend $50-$200 per session, with the total cost depending on the extent of training desired.

FAQs: More About the Great Dane Mastiff Mix

What is the lifespan of a Great Dane Mastiff mix?

The Great Dane Mastiff mix, known for its impressive size and gentle demeanor, typically enjoys a lifespan of 8 to 12 years. Proper care, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups, can help maximize their years with you.

Are Daniffs good with children and other pets?

Yes, Daniffs are generally good with children and other pets, especially when properly socialized from a young age. Their gentle and protective nature makes them excellent family companions. However, due to their large size, interactions with small children and animals should be supervised to prevent accidental injuries.

Do Great Dane Mastiff mixes require a lot of space?

While Great Dane Mastiff mixes do best in homes where they have plenty of room to stretch and move, they can adapt

This post first appeared on Woof & Whiskers, please read the originial post: here

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Great Dane Mastiff Mix: Is This Gentle Giant the Right Dog for You?
