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RAF Coningsby Dog Handlers Get Military Trophy

Recently, Royal Air Force police dog handlers at the RAF Coningsby were awarded a trophy for their attitude towards animal welfare.

As per the force, the dog section also received the military working dogs prestige trophy for the overall contribution to the RAF security. 

As per the group captain of the unit, the credit goes to the station and RAF. They trained the dogs to detect drugs, weapons, and explosives and protect military locations and personnel.

The dogs are deployed with British troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bosnia. The RAF military working dog units were formed in 1942 and now have about 180 dogs with 135 handlers.

RAF Coningsby is home to two front-line squadrons with about 3,000 service personnel and is also a training station for Typhoon pilots.

The post RAF Coningsby Dog Handlers Get Military Trophy first appeared on DogExpress.

This post first appeared on Dog Health Care Tips | Dog Images | News For Dog Lovers- DogExpress, please read the originial post: here

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RAF Coningsby Dog Handlers Get Military Trophy
