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Chapter 4 – Advanced Treat Begging

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Chapter 4 - Treat Begging Tips

Merlot watched as Dad entered the living room and headed over to the coffee table. She turned to Enzo and said, “Oh boy! It’s treat time! Come on, let’s go beg for treats!” As the two ran over to Dad, Merlot added, “I love those loops! I could eat those all day long!”

Enzo, who had been elected “Head Treat Beggar” at Abigail’s House of Buns, said, “I show you a trick. Watch dis.” As Dad was preparing the treat platters, Enzo stood up on his back feet. Like a bad magician practicing the pull the tablecloth out from under the dishes, he grabbed the paper towel that the boxes of loops were sitting on and gave it a tug.

Merlot watched in amazement as loops rained down across the floor. Enzo said proudly, “Der! Lots of treats!” Merlot, Treat Beggar In Training, was impressed.

Enzo gives Merlot some tips on treat begging.

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Chapter 4 – Advanced Treat Begging
