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Chapter 5 – Treats Jackpot

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Chapter 5 - Treats Jackpot

Merlot stood up on her back feet and put her front paws on Dad’s arm. “May I have a treat?” she begged. Dad was easy. “Sure!” he said. Enzo’s East Coast look-alike, Duffy, had sent them a box of carrot and Timothy Hay flavored Country Loops for Christmas. Dad placed one between his teeth and leaned over to Merlot. Merlot gently grabbed the loop with her teeth and hopped off to enjoy her prize.

“You really like those loops, don’t you?” Dad asked. Merlot thought, “Oh yes! They’re my favorite treat!” Dad said, “Well, we’re almost out of them. I guess I’d better order some more!” Up until now, none of the other rabbits at Abigail’s House of Buns had ever shown any interest in the loops. Well, except Hobo, who would eat anything.

A few days later, Merlot and Enzo were taking their afternoon half-nap when they heard Dad come through the front door. “Guys! Look what came! A big box of treats!”

The two rabbits came running over to see. There was a big Small Pet Select box filled with boxes of loops! Dad explained, “Turns out, they have several flavors, Carrot and Timothy Hay, Dandelion and Rosehip, Apple and Timothy Hay, Thyme and Timothy Hay, and Berry. I didn’t know which flavors you’d like, so I got a couple boxes of each for you to try!”

Merlot was so excited! “Look, Enzo! A box full of treats!” She could hardly contain herself as she circled Dad. Dad said, “Let’s try Apple and Timothy Hay first.” He handed them both an Orchard Loop. Merlot grabbed hers and hopped away to savor it. Enzo gave it a sniff and walked away. Merlot looked at him incredulously and asked, “You don’t want it?”

Enzo replied, “No. I don’t really like loops. You can haves it. You can haves all of them!” Merlot’s eyes got big. “Really? You mean this whole box is mine?” Enzo was generous. He said, “Sure!” as he went back behind the couch to continue his nap. Just like humans, rabbits have their own tastes.

Lucky for Merlot! She felt like she had just won the jackpot of treats!

Merlot hits the treats jackpot!

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Chapter 5 – Treats Jackpot
