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DT Fleming Beach Family Photoshoot | Colonna Family

One of the reasons we love photographing families is when you have clients that you have never met before, you get this great opportunity to meet new and interesting people. But you know what’s even better? Repeats! It’s like hanging out with old friends and having a great time doing it. And that is exactly what happened with the Colonna Family on DT Fleming Beach.

But unlike the first time, this time around it was a mix of three families, all from many generations. Which, I’m not going to lie, made for a truly fun family photo session. From the baby to the grandparents, there were a lot of smiles, laughter, and some good wholesome fun.

DT Fleming is a popular surf spot along the west side of Maui in front of The Ritz Carlton in Kapalua. It’s a long, wide stretch of beach with tall trees in the background and black rocks along the edge. The weather on this day was perfect and the waves were amazing, thus all the surfers while we were there.

If you’re interested in Family Photography Session of your own here in Maui, please feel free to reach out to us for a free quote.

The post DT Fleming Beach Family Photoshoot | Colonna Family appeared first on Capture Aloha Photography.

This post first appeared on Capture Aloha, please read the originial post: here

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DT Fleming Beach Family Photoshoot | Colonna Family
