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Photographing the Cornish Coastline

Photographing The Cornish Coastline

Last week, I didn’t manage to post any photos. That’s because I was away in Cornwall celebrating my 35th Wedding Anniversary. And whilst I was there, I couldn’t resist doing some photography to capture the dramatic Cornish coast.

I based myself at the Lands End Hotel for the first part of my trip. Although Lands End is like a mini theme park, the hotel on the cliffs behind it is wonderful. It’s been somewhere I had wanted to stay for a long time, not least because it’s on one of my favourite bits of coastline. That’s where I captured this first photo whilst out walking.

It’s a handheld shot with the Fuji XT5 and Fuji 16-80 lens at 16mm. It’s a 1/240-second exposure at f/8.0 and ISO125. I also used a 3-stop Soft Graduated ND Grad filter on the sky to balance the exposure with the rocks. For me, this shot has an almost Jurassic feel, as if a dinosaur will appear on the cliffs.

I also tried some sunset photography the same evening as the conditions looked promising. Unfortunately, the clouds came in, and there was no dramatic sky. I did, however, manage this shot, which I quite like.

This was also captured using the XT5 and Fuji 16-80 lens set to 63mm. I mounted the camera on a tripod to allow for a longer shutter so I could capture the movement in the sea. It’s a 3.2-second exposure at f/8.0 and ISO125. To slow the shutter speed, I used a 4-stop Neutral Density filter.

Both shots were captured in RAW format and then converted using DxO PhotoLab. After that, I applied further adjustments using my favourite tool, the Nik Collection.

I hope you like the photos and have a great weekend.

This post first appeared on The Lightweight Photographer, please read the originial post: here

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Photographing the Cornish Coastline
