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Enlaces interesantes 560

Enlaces Interesantes 560

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.NET Core / .NET

  • Measuring .NET Performance: Unleashing the Power of BenchmarkDotNet
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  • Async Event Handlers in C#: What You Need to Know
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  • Activator.CreateInstance vs Type.InvokeMember – A Clear Winner?
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ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor

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Azure / Cloud

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Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas

  • The Facade Design Pattern in C#: How to Simplify Complex Subsystems
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  • Boundaries are explicit
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  • Falsehoods programmers believe about time zones
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  • Why reaching 100% Code Coverage must NOT be your testing goal (with examples in C#)
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  • Events are an API. Treat them like one.
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Machine learning / IA / Bots

  • How Much Does It Cost to Call OpenAI APIs?
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  • Calling Custom Functions with ChatGPT
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Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript

  • Type Safety in TypeScript
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  • 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know
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  • HTMX and Web Components: a Perfect Match
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  • How to tackle compatibility issues in ECMA Script modules (and in general)
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  • Building A Real-Time App with React, Node and WebSockets
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  • How to use No-Class Frameworks to Move Fast in Style
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  • CSS: will-change
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  • 25 Unnoticeable Features of JavaScript
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  • Detect Caps Lock with JavaScript
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  • Creating a Random Walk Simulation
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  • Debouncing in Your Framework
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  • ChartJs Visualization Library
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  • React vs. Angular: Component Architecture
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Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas

  • How HEAD works in git
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  • Introducing Visual Studio 17.10 – Preview 2 is Here!
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  • Unity extension for Visual Studio Code - Now Generally Available
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  • Refining Your Search: Introducing's Compatible Framework Filters
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  • Generate Unit Tests Using AI Assistant
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.NET MAUI / Xamarin

  • What’s New in .NET MAUI 9 Preview 2
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  • Enhancing User Experience: Implementing Typos Tolerance in .NET MAUI Autocomplete
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  • Sands of MAUI: Issue #136
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  • Introducing the 11th Set of New .NET MAUI Controls and Features
    Gayathri Ramalingam


  • Microsoft elimina el subsistema Android de Windows
  • La historia del Primer Videojuego Español del que hay constancia
    Manuel Llaca Carrera

Publicado en Variable not found.

This post first appeared on Variable Not Found, please read the originial post: here

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Enlaces interesantes 560
