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Enlaces interesantes 561

Enlaces Interesantes 561

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Por si te lo perdiste...

  • Entender código imposible mediante troceado y refactorización
    José María Aguilar
  • Mejoras en bloques try/catch de C# 6
    José María Aguilar

.NET Core / .NET

  • Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls
    Daniel Roth
  • Working with yield in C#: Enhancing Efficiency and Code Clarity
    A. Yohan Malshika
  • Why Should We Avoid Using Await in a Loop in C#
    Anaedobe Nneka
  • How to Resolve IOptions Instance Inside Program Class in C#
    Georgi Georgiev
  • Difference Between await and Task.Wait in C#
    Georgios Panagopoulos
  • .NET Developers Begging for Ecosystem Destruction
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  • NCronJob - Scheduling made easy
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  • Conventional Message Routing in Wolverine
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  • Execute the SELECT WHERE NOT EXIST SQL Query Using LINQ
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  • C# 12: Collection Expressions
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  • General Performance Tip: Logging
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  • Generate a Word document in ASP.NET
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  • Building Interactive Blazor Apps with WebAssembly
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  • How to Convert IAsyncEnumerable to List
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  • Benchmark a Method’s Performance on Different .NET Versions
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ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor

  • .Net Aspire - A Brief Introduction
    Paul Michaels
  • The Best Blazor Component Libraries to Consider
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  • Automatic Registration of Minimal API Endpoints in .NET
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  • Generate OpenAPI specification at build time from the code in ASP.NET Core
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  • Blazor’s CSS isolation ::deep issue and solution
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  • Autofac In ASP NET Core - How To Avoid A Debugging Nightmare
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  • What’s New in Syncfusion Blazor: 2024 Volume 1
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  • MudBlazor List Items: How To Create Awesome Blazor List Views
    Nick Cosentino
  • Blazor Render Mode – How To Avoid Dependency Injection Woes
    Nick Cosentino

Azure / Cloud

  • Guest Blog: Building Your Custom Copilot with Semantic Kernel
    Sophia Lagerkran
  • Azure Static Web App – API Integration
    Bart Wullems

Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas

  • Composition over Inheritance: My refactoring recipe
    Sebastian Sellmair
  • The WORST Domain Modeling Mistakes!
    Derek Comartin
  • “When was the last time you used this?” – Part 1: Data Structures
    Pawel Kadluczka


  • Adding EntityFramework and Sqlite to ASP.NET Core Web API – FormatException
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  • Implementing Soft Delete With EF Core
    Milan Jovanović

Machine learning / IA / Bots

  • El 'test de la manzana': una tarea para alumnos de Primaria que muchas IA suspenden miserablemente. Esta es la razón
    Marcos Merino
  • Building a GPT Model from the Ground Up!
    Ebad Khan
  • Image to Text with Semantic Kernel and HuggingFace
    Sophia Lagerkran

Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript

  • Actualizaciones de arrays inmutables con Array.prototype.with
    Jad Joubran
  • Six Novel Features in JavaScript for 2024
  • React Basics: Getting Started with React and GraphQL
    Hassan Djirdeh
  • Hoisting of Variables, Functions, Classes, Types, Interfaces in JavaScript/TypeScript
    Anton Zamay
  • Angular Animations Tutorial: Parallel Animations
    Brian Treese
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Trumbowyg: The WYSIWYG Editor for Web Developers
    DevGroves Technologies
  • Implementing Vertical Form Controls
    Aditya Keerthi
  • Immutable Array Operations In JavaScript: Introducing toSorted, toSpliced, and toReversed
    Alex Khomenko
  • pushState and URL Blocking
    Eric Lawrence
  • How Does Angular Compare to jQuery?
    Hassan Djirdeh
  • Form Submission in Javascript: A Comprehensive Guide
    Malik Arsalan
  • How to Build a Text-to-Voice Application With JavaScript
    Esther Vaati
  • Exploring the Latest Features Coming to JavaScript—ES2023
    Thomas Findlay
  • Reading Element Attributes Collection In JavaScript
    Ben Nadel
  • 17 Equations that Changed the World - Rewritten in JavaScript
  • Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes
    Chris DeMars

Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas

  • NuGet – Offline support
    Bart Wullems
  • Giving your app a temporary public URL with VS Code port forwarding
    Christian Heilmann
  • Effortless Remote Debugging with Dev Tunnel in Visual Studio 2022
    Jayakumar Duraisamy
  • How to use Comments as Prompts in GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio
    Laurent Bugnion

.NET MAUI / Xamarin

  • Sharing ViewModels in .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid
    Joachim Leonfellner
  • Deploying .NET MAUI Blazor App to ProgramFiles'
    Mitchel Sellers
  • .NET MAUI – Margin and Padding
    Vijay Anand
  • Beyond the Basics: Learning Text-to-Speech in .NET MAUI
    Leomaris Reyes


  • Actualidad: nuevo runtime JS, Android 15, Swift 5.10, Gemma LLM, Microsoft y Mistral AI, WDDFS, mitos sobre desarrolladores senior, Doom en la consola del navegador...

Publicado en Variable not found.

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Enlaces interesantes 561
