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Kansas City Holistic Dental Clinic Offers Safe Amalgam Filling Removal

If you’ve been searching for a professional and compassionate dentist, look no further than Kansas City’s most experienced holistic provider, Dr. Jack Ferguson’s Holistic Dental Wellness of Kansas City. Here, you’ll know that you are always a priority.

And that’s the difference.

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Maintain Optimal Dental Health

If you’ve ever felt nervous visiting the dentist, you’ll find that a visit with “Dr. Jack” will quell those nerves. Not only will he gently walk you through every procedure; he’ll also guide you to learn better dental habits so that you can prevent cavities and other dental problems from happening in the first place.

Jack Ferguson, DDS, proudly offers biological dental treatments, emphasizing the relationship between dental health and overall well-being. As one of the leading holistic dentists in Kansas, Dr. Jack works closely with you so that you can make informed decisions about your dental care. He offers comprehensive mouth/body health assessments and personalized treatment plans that consider not just your oral hygiene but your diet, emotions, exercise, and other factors.

Safe, Biocompatible Materials

Dr. Jack uses a bio-friendly approach with a focus on the connection between oral and systemic health. Dental health and overall health are interconnected, he explains, with challenges and imbalances in each system manifesting symptoms in the other. Gum disease, for instance, can raise your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression and other mental health issues, Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive decline, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even some cancers.  

Because holistic dentists recognize the impact of dental health on the entire body, they prioritize biocompatible materials and techniques, and aim to treat the root cause of health issues related to the mouth. Dr. Jack explains that this approach to dental care not only resolves symptoms but significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.

Personalized Care Plans

Another popular service offered at the clinic is nutritional consultation for proactive oral health. Your diet is assessed so optimal nutritional guidance can be given to maintain a healthy oral microbiome, proper oral pH, and other factors that can lower your risk of common dental concerns. 

These consultations can even be a lot of fun! Dr. Jack takes particular care to ensure that you feel comfortable during the entire session. He is on a mission to make dentistry as friendly and informative as possible.

Meet Dr. Jack

Jack Ferguson, DDS, has provided mercury-free and fluoride-free dentistry for over three decades, and is certified in the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology’s SMART, Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Holistic Dental Wellness of Kansas City is his rebrand from Jack Ferguson, DDS.

“Our approach to dental exams goes beyond routine assessments,” says a spokesperson for the clinic. “What Dr. Jack offers is a more personalized and in-depth evaluation that considers the patient’s overall health as it relates to their dental well-being.”

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This post first appeared on The Daily Moss, please read the originial post: here

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Kansas City Holistic Dental Clinic Offers Safe Amalgam Filling Removal
