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Affordable SEO Alternative For Atlanta Dental Clinics; Google Autosuggest

Getting Seen First

Whenever you starting typing a new query in Google or Bing, autocomplete suggests a list of possible search strings for you to choose. My Tooth Media can make the name of your Atlanta Dental Clinic appear as one of those suggestions, so you get seen before anyone else.

Go to for more information.

The first step is to choose keywords that you want associated with your practice, such as “top dentist in Atlanta,” “Orthodontist near me,” or “recommended endodontists.” When someone begins entering your chosen keyword/phrase, the system works its magic and your dental practice appears in autofill.

Each keyword/phrase is offered on an exclusive basis, but it’s first-come-first-serve, so get in quick to avoid disappointment. My Tooth Media has already introduced the technology in several other areas, and dental practices report near domination of page-1 results.

An Exciting New Alternative To SEO & PPC

Until the development of the new autocomplete technology, SEO and pay-per-click ads (PPC) were the only ways of gaining a more favorable position in Google’s search rankings. However, both of these methods have become increasingly competitive and expensive, and also come with several limitations.

My Tooth Media’s new service is considerably less expensive than either SEO or pay-per-click, and the technology also works before those methods, giving you a unique advantage. In addition to general/family dental practices, the firm is offering the unique solution to a range of specialists, such as orthodontists, endodontists, and pediatric dentists.

“We put your dental practice in the auto-complete for Google, YouTube and Bing, so your customers see you before anyone else,” a company representative explained. “You will be the sole company listed for the chosen keyword phrase, as we never sell the same phrase to multiple clients.”

About My Tooth Media

Headquartered in California, My Tooth Media states that its technology is both and unique in the digital marketing industry. The firm is currently introducing the system to dental clinics across the US, but points out that it is equally effective for almost any industry.

“We opted to take as many keywords as possible so we could own the local search market, and we’re extremely happy with the results,” one client recently stated. “My Tooth Media delivers exactly what they promise.”

For domination of page-1 search rankings that SEO could only dream of, try My Tooth Media’s unique autocomplete optimization technology.

Check out so you can learn more.

This post first appeared on The Daily Moss, please read the originial post: here

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Affordable SEO Alternative For Atlanta Dental Clinics; Google Autosuggest
