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+Twelve (Adults Only) Beach Club

+Twelve (Adults Only) Beach Club

Went to +Twelve beach club at Palawan beach on Sentosa last Saturday. 

Oooh boy it was scorching hot. 
It’s an adults only beach club, so unlike Tanjong Beach club, you don’t get families and kids here. My parents watched the kids for the weekend so it was pure adult couple time for us :) . 
You need to make reservations in advance. And there are minimum spends. 

For the day beds (min spend is $300 on weekend), for the lounge that we had it was $600 min spend but we ended up spending $1600 😳  (the lounge can sit 10 pax but we were just a party of 4), and then they have the cabanas with a private small pool for each cabana (min spend 1k). 

I would do the cabana with a larger group as it’s up on the terrace and away from like the main scene. 

For a small group of 4, we chose to be by the main pool area. More people to mingle with.  More happening. 

So fun to let loose and have a carefree afternoon with my bubba. 
Finally get to take my skimpier SHEIN bikinis out for a test drive (not comfy to wear this at the residential pool or at Tanjong beach club where there are small kids about la).

Previously I can only wear them in the bedroom for Adamson to see haha. Actually I have far more micro ones but I scared to wear in public. 

I’m not on a water fast anymore, haven’t been for weeks now (Adamson stopped me cos not healthy and also the boobs I gained through previous pregnancies started to get smaller. He’s a boobs man. But wow I’ve never lost weight as quickly as when water fasting for 1 week and then low calorie 500 cal/day day for 2 weeks after , it seriously works ) . But happy to say the weight loss maintaining quite well even though I’ve added back the daily calories to a more normal amount (like 800calories/day). 

We drank far far far farrrrrr too much. Actually I was going ok.  Just a margarita and a beer. And sips of rose (I don’t like wine so I didn’t drink much of it). But then at the pool bar, adamson started buy rounds of shots for the crowd and I drank those.  And then one of the groups returned the favour by buying us a shot.  And that last shot… was the one that broke my camels back. Like dunno what it was. Toxic strong. After that I was blacking out .  :(.  Had to go to the hotel he booked as a surprise staycay and sleep it off. Didn’t even get to do the dinner he planned. (Sorry bubba). 
Super thankful that my bubba managed to get us there and checked us in to W Hotel (I was useless, too far gone), carried our luggage plus me, then showered me and ordered room service and tried to feed me some food in bed before I knocked out. 
I was planning to do a lap dance for him once we checked in to the hotel that night. But didn’t get to do that or enjoy the room that night cos I cannot handle my drinks :( 

It is a nice Hotel though and the next morning. Even though horrendously hung over, we did enjoy the room and the facilities. A nice warm bath together. 
Even woke early to go for a sunrise jog together around the marina. 
And then to Prive at Keppel Harbour for breakfast. He ate this dunno what chilli crab dish with the black Yu Tiao… very very not nice!  Don’t order this if u actually like chilli crab, because it tastes nothing like chilli crab. 
Usually I love the Laksa at Prive … but this time cos woozy from hangover, I had the big breakfast. 
Oh here’s my new tattoo.. Adamson has the other half on his shoulder. We’re still waiting to get a nice shot of our couples tattoo together. 

After Prive, we went to pick the kids up and spent the rest of our Sunday at home with them. ❤️

This post first appeared on A Thing (or Two) About Holly Jean, please read the originial post: here

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+Twelve (Adults Only) Beach Club
