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Detroit Lions, NFL players outraged as league bans ‘hip-drop’ tackle

Detroit Lions, NFL Players Outraged As League Bans ‘hip-drop’ Tackle
Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images

The league has officially banned the “hip drop tackle” and both NFL and Detroit Lions players are not happy.

On Monday, the NFL officially adopted what is being termed the new “hip drop rule.” The rule outlaws a type of tackle the NFL Competition Committee says occurred about once per game last season and resulted in an injury rate 20 times a normal tackle.

The ‘hip-drop tackle that is no longer allowed consists of three components. Here’s the specific language from the initial rule proposal:

  1. Grabs the runner with both hands or wraps the runner with both arms
  2. Lifts themselves off the ground (not officially listed in the rule, but emphasized by the competition committee)
  3. Unweights himself by swiveling and dropping his hips and/or lower body, landing on and trapping the runner’s leg(s) at or below the knee

The NFL Competition Committee also provided an example of these plays:

NFL players are not happy about this rule change. Prior to the rule’s adoption, the NFL Players Association came out against the new rule, but to no avail.

After the rule was adopted on Monday morning, several NFL players went to Twitter to express their frustration, including a couple of past and present Lions players. Let’s start with the always-outspoken Darius Slay.

Former Lions fullback and current free agent Jason Cabinda was also outraged over the news.

DJ Reader, one of the newest Detroit Lions players, expressed his feelings, as well:

Reader also pitched in an “SMH” (shaking my head) over on Instagram:

And here’s a look at other players across the league and their initial reactions to the news:

And just for balance, here is one former player—offensive lineman Kyle Long—who came out in favor of the rule change:

It’s interesting to see the NFL adopt a rule aimed at improving player safety, but the players themselves almost unanimously reject said idea. Unfortunately for the players, they have relatively little say in the matter, and they will be forced to adjust to this new rule.

An infraction of the new rule will result in a 15-yard penalty. It is not subject to review.

This post first appeared on Pride Of Detroit, A Detroit Lions Community, please read the originial post: here

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Detroit Lions, NFL players outraged as league bans ‘hip-drop’ tackle
