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Discussion: Which NFL Draft prospect is your favorite fit for the Lions right now?

Discussion: Which NFL Draft Prospect Is Your Favorite Fit For The Lions Right Now?
Gary Cosby Jr.-USA TODAY Sports

Taking a look at one of the best prospect fits for the Detroit Lions in the upcoming 2024 NFL Draft.

The 2024 NFL Draft is only one month away, and while Brad Holmes and the Detroit Lions are surely not done making moves in free agency, now is as good of a time as ever to talk about who the Lions might be targeting with their first-round pick, and who we’d like them to select.

This has been a fantastic offseason for Holmes and the front office when it comes to filling needs and setting themselves up to pick any position in the draft. Up until the recent release of Cam Sutton, there weren’t really any glaring holes on paper.

We know that regardless of need, Holmes is going to select players that fit “what they’re about,” and as the years go by, we’re slowly getting a better idea of what that means. That leads us to today’s Question of the Day...

Which NFL Draft prospect is your favorite fit for the Lions right now?

Of the players that are in the Lions’ range right now, I’ve jumped on the Kool-Aid McKinstry hype train and think he would make a lot of sense for the team. The Alabama connection makes it an obvious fit, but it goes much further than that. McKinstry has had some doubts circulating around his athleticism during the pre-draft process and was unable to test during the NFL Combine due to a foot injury. But during Alabama’s pro day last week, he was able to put some of those concerns to rest and impressed scouts with his testing and his determination to fight through an injury.

With McKinstry, the Lions would be getting a cerebral corner with great instincts and impressive man-coverage skills, just like they did when Brian Branch fell into their laps last year.

Let’s hear from you. Which NFL Draft prospect(s) would you like to see in a Lions uniform? Let us know in the comments below.

This post first appeared on Pride Of Detroit, A Detroit Lions Community, please read the originial post: here

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Discussion: Which NFL Draft prospect is your favorite fit for the Lions right now?
