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Unlocking Divine Blessings: Weekdays Puja – Which Deity to Worship Each Day?

In the rich tapestry of Hindu culture, daily worship plays a significant role in fostering spiritual connection and invoking blessings from the divine. Each day of the week is associated with a specific deity whose worship is believed to bring unique benefits and blessings. Let’s delve into the fascinating tradition of weekday puja and discover which deity to worship on each day.

Monday – Lord Shiva:

Monday, or Somvar, is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being who embodies destruction and transformation. Devotees offer prayers to Lord Shiva to seek his blessings for strength, courage, and protection. Puja samagri stores in India often offer special puja kits tailored for worshiping Lord Shiva, containing items like Bilva leaves, milk, honey, and sandalwood paste.

Tuesday – Goddess Durga:

Tuesday, known as Mangalvar, is associated with Goddess Durga, the divine feminine energy representing strength and protection. Devotees worship Goddess Durga to overcome obstacles, attain success, and ward off negative energies. Puja kits store shelves are stocked with essentials like red cloth, vermilion, and incense sticks for conducting Durga puja with reverence.

Wednesday – Lord Ganesha:

Wednesday, or Budhvar, is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the harbinger of wisdom and prosperity. Worshiping Lord Ganesha on this day is believed to bring success, intelligence, and good fortune. Puja kits store offerings include modak (sweet dumplings), durva grass, and turmeric powder for conducting Ganesh puja with devotion.

Thursday – Lord Vishnu:

Thursday, or Guruvar, is associated with Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe and the embodiment of divine grace. Devotees worship Lord Vishnu to seek his blessings for peace, prosperity, and protection. Puja kits store selections often include tulsi leaves, flowers, and sandalwood paste for conducting Vishnu puja with reverence.

Friday – Goddess Lakshmi:

Friday, known as Shukravar, is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. Devotees worship Goddess Lakshmi to attract abundance, prosperity, and happiness into their lives. Premium puja kits designed for Lakshmi puja may include items like lotus flowers, coins, and sweets like modak or laddoo.

Saturday – Lord Hanuman:

Saturday, or Shanivar, is associated with Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion, strength, and courage. Worshiping Lord Hanuman on this day is believed to remove negativity, instill discipline, and bestow protection. Puja kits for Hanuman puja often include sindoor (vermilion), betel leaves, and coconut for conducting the rituals.


Embracing the tradition of weekday puja allows devotees to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection and invite divine blessings into their lives. Whether seeking strength, prosperity, or wisdom, each day offers an opportunity to connect with a specific deity and invoke their divine grace. Explore the offerings of puja samagri stores in India and shop puja kits tailored for worshiping your chosen deity with reverence and devotion. May your journey of worship be filled with divine blessings and spiritual fulfillment.

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Unlocking Divine Blessings: Weekdays Puja – Which Deity to Worship Each Day?
