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What to Look For?

   by Reb Gutman Locks   
       What to Look For?


      He came into the Kotel area with a very young boy hanging on his back, and another young boy walking beside him. He came right over when I called for him to put on tefillin. He told me he lives in "The Upper East Side of Manhattan". That is a neighborhood known for being expensive.

     After the Shema and praying for the boys and his loved ones, we spoke for a few minutes. I asked him what he did for a living.

     He said, "Finance."

     I told him if he could do it on the computer, via the internet, he should move to Jerusalem. Although he seemed to be enjoying his visit to Israel very much, he did not seem too quick to jump on the idea of moving here.

     I said, "In New York, you look for money."

     He said, "Yes."

     I said, "And in Jerusalem, we look for Hashem!"

     He understood.

     "Another good reason to move to Israel is that 85% of the Jewish boys in America marry non-Jewish girls! If you want to be sure to have Jewish grandchildren, then your boys should live here. Soon all the Jews are going to come home, and you are going to want your grandchildren to be here with you."

     Will he pack up and move here? I doubt it. But a very good idea has been planted in his head.


This post first appeared on Mystical Paths, please read the originial post: here

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What to Look For?
