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Other Revision of I-II ?

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ?

So, if we take previous post into account, we would have ...

2957 BC
1.628 pmC so dated 37 000 BC

2738 BC
11.069 pmC, so dated 20933 BC

2607 BC
43.438 pmC so dated 9500 BC

2957 — 2738
3.628 times as fast

2738 — 2607
20.702 times as fast

219 is 3 * 73, and 131 is a prime. I cannot find a common denominator, but we can get even divisions within both that are fairly close. Here:

24.33? (219 / 9)
99.706 %, 0.294 pmC * 3.628 = 1.066632 pmC

26.2? (131 / 5)
99.684 %, 0.316 pmC * 20.702 = 6.541832 pmC

Which will result in the following table, smoothing out as one table, with just one item for 2738 BC:

2957 BC
1.628 pmC, so dated 37 000 BC

2933 BC
2.69 pmC, so dated 32833 BC

2918 BC
3.749 pmC, so dated 30018 BC

2884 BC
4.804 pmC, so dated 27984 BC

2860 BC
5.857 pmC, so dated 26310 BC

2835 BC
6.906 pmC, so dated 24935 BC

2811 BC
7.952 pmC, so dated 23761 BC

2787 BC
8.996 pmC, so dated 22687 BC

2762 BC
10.036 pmC, so dated 21762 BC

2738 BC
11.073 / 11.069 pmC, so dated 20938 BC

2712 BC
17.576 pmC, so dated 17062 BC

2686 BC
24.062 pmC, so dated 14486 BC

2659 BC
30.528 pmC, so dated 12459 BC

2633 BC
36.973 pmC, so dated 10883 BC

2607 BC
43.398 / 43.438 pmC, so dated 9507 BC

This post first appeared on Creation Vs Evolution, please read the originial post: here

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Other Revision of I-II ?
