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Protecting Your Kansas City Business from Cyber Threats

Every day, small and medium-sized companies in Kansas City face an increasing number of threats to their IT networks and private data.  These cyber threats can have devastating consequences if not prevented. From ransomware to phishing attacks, hackers are constantly evolving their tactics to exploit weaknesses and gaps in your organization’s technology infrastructure. However, there are proactive steps you can take to defend your business against these common cyberattacks.

Understanding Common Cybersecurity Threats

Some of the most common cybersecurity threats to your business include ransomware, malware, phishing and hacking your social media accounts.

Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on your computer or network, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. This can cripple your business operations and lead to significant financial losses.

Malware: Malware, short for malicious software, encompasses various types of software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system. It can include viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware, among others.

Phishing and Smishing: Phishing involves fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, by posing as a trustworthy entity via email. Smishing is similar but involves text messages instead of emails.

Hacking of Social Media Accounts: Hackers may target your business’s social media accounts to obtain customer data or spread misinformation, damaging your reputation and eroding customer trust.

Defending Your Business

It all sounds threatening (because it really is), but there are tools, tactics and resources to help you rest easy:  Security and IT auditing, air-gapped backups, two-factor authentication, email security software and employee training can be your front line of defense.

Security and IT Auditing: An expert, outsourced IT consulting firm like Invision in Kansas City can conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities in your network, software, systems and processes. This can help you prioritize areas for improvement and allocate resources effectively. An IT audit evaluates your organization’s IT infrastructure, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.

Air-Gapped Backups: “Air-gapped” means physically separated. Implement air-gapped backups, which are isolated from your network and inaccessible to cyber attackers. This ensures that even if your primary systems are compromised, you can restore your data from a secure backup.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA wherever possible to add an extra layer of security to your accounts. This requires users to provide two forms of identification, typically a password and a code sent to their mobile device, before accessing sensitive information.

Email Security Software: Invest in email security software that can detect and block phishing attempts, malicious links and attachments and spam. This helps reduce the risk of employees falling victim to phishing attacks through email communication.

Employee Training:  All these defensive tools are of limited value if your team is not aware of cyber threats and how to prevent them. Employees move seamlessly from company-owned to personal devices and applications. While this practice is convenient to them, and seemingly cost-saving to your business, it opens you and your company to greater security risks. A firm like Invision can train your employees on the proper use of company and personal laptops, tablets, mobile phones and software.

Get Professional Support

While implementing these measures can significantly enhance your small business’s cybersecurity posture, it’s essential to recognize that cybersecurity is a complex and evolving discipline of staying at least one step ahead of the bad guys. As such, many small businesses opt to partner with outsourced IT firms like Invision to help protect their data and prevent cyberattacks.

The best outsourced IT consultants employ specialists who keep up with the latest threats and trends in cybersecurity, allowing them to implement the right tools and processes to mitigate risks effectively. By outsourcing your cybersecurity needs, you can gain access to expert guidance and support without the need to maintain an in-house IT team.


Cybersecurity is as essential for protection as property insurance. Smart and successful businesses in Kansas City understand common cyber threats and implement proactive defense measures such as security audits, air-gapped backups, 2FA, and email security software. These measures significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks.

Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to a specialized IT firm can provide added expertise and peace of mind, ensuring that your business remains protected against costly and destructive breaches. By taking proactive steps to defend your business against cyber threats, you can safeguard your data, reputation and bottom line.

Trust Invision for Cybersecurity

Smart business owners know they need to focus on employees, operations, customer satisfaction long-term growth. Outsourced IT management from a company like Invision lets a business owner rest a little easier.

The post Protecting Your Kansas City Business from Cyber Threats appeared first on Invision.

This post first appeared on Info Center | Invision, please read the originial post: here

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Protecting Your Kansas City Business from Cyber Threats
