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How Long to Date Before Marriage: From First Date to “I Do”

From nerves on a first date to pure joy at saying “I do,” the path from dating to marriage is thrilling. Couples often ask: how long should we date before getting engaged? It’s an age-old question, with lots of room for debate – because what works for one couple might not work as well for another. Factors such as compatibility, communication, and personal growth all play a part in choosing a lifelong partner. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of dating and engagement statistics and uncover the ideal length of time couples should stay together (according to facts!). 10 Key Marriage Statistics 2+ years is the average before marriage, showing many couples take time to build a solid foundation. 17 months before moving in together, indicating couples wait to ensure compatibility. 22 months of cohabitation before engagement, allowing partners to navigate life’s challenges together. 89% date 4.9 years before tying the knot, highlighting longer courtships for stronger unions. 84% discuss marriage before proposing, ensuring alignment on future plans. 29% date over five years before engagement, prioritizing a deep connection before marriage. 74.55% of women prefer marrying at 19-24, considering it the ideal age for commitment. 68.64% […]

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How Long to Date Before Marriage: From First Date to “I Do”
