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Artificial Intelligence Acronyms | Class 9 | Class 10 #eduvictors #ArtificalIntelligence

Artificial Intelligence Acronyms | Class 9 | Class 10 #eduvictors #ArtificalIntelligence

Artificial Intelligence Acronyms  Class 9 | Class 10Question: Write the full form of the following acronyms:1. AI 2. CV 3. NLP 4. NLU 5. NLG 6. ML 7. DL 8. EVA 9. ANI 10. AGI 11. ASI 12. CTM 13. SDGs 14. GIGO 15. IoT 16. ICT17. ANN18. CNN19. RNN20. SVM21. RL22. GANAnswer:1. AI- Artificial Intelligence 2. CV-

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Artificial Intelligence Acronyms | Class 9 | Class 10 #eduvictors #ArtificalIntelligence
