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Polytechnic Omuo Ekiti School Fees For Freshers And Returning Students (2024/2025)

Are you gearing up for your journey at Polytechnic Omuo Ekiti? Understanding the school fees is crucial to ensure a smooth start. Let’s break down the fees for both freshers and returning students in simple terms. For Freshers: Acceptance Fee: The first step is paying an acceptance fee, which is typically around ₦2,000. This secures …

The post Polytechnic Omuo Ekiti School Fees For Freshers And Returning Students (2024/2025) appeared first on VisaForMigration.

This post first appeared on MyCollege Scholarships, please read the originial post: here

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Polytechnic Omuo Ekiti School Fees For Freshers And Returning Students (2024/2025)
