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TwinkTop – Grant Ducati – Chapter 2 Staying Behind – Grant Ducati & Tyler Saint

Being new to the team, I do everything I can think of to keep my hands clean and be as helpful as one can possibly be. Thankfully, I have started developing a strong kinship with my fellow coaches, especially Coach Banner. I was swiftly becoming his right-hand man and I feel good about that. He seems well-liked by the other young athletes, and I’m hoping some of that rubs off on me.

I guess it’s no coincidence then that the boy that has been catching my attention is none other than Grant Ducati, the young lad who recently seduced one of his coaches. Coach Banner is a big guy and Grant isn’t exactly the largest player on the team, so to envision the two of them getting together gets my mind racing.

I doubt that I have been subtle with my hints. I’ve caught the way Grant snaps his head into another direction to make it look like he isn’t looking my way. When some of the guys offer to run out to grab food for the house, we find ourselves in one of those intimate moments together. I try to encourage him to join them but he says he wants to stay behind with me instead. This is my chance.

I nervously begin to chat and let slip that I’m impressed to hear about him hooking up with Coach Banner. It is odd to feel that strange yearning boil up inside just from seeing his eyes sparkle over at me. When he flashes that cheeky grin, my rational thoughts melt away and all that’s left are these lustful fantasies I can’t let myself get too caught up in. There’s no one else here to stop me from myself.

Maybe I’ve forgotten just how horny these younger boys can get, but it took no time at all for the space between us on the couch to be filled. Grant’s young, toned body kept sliding closer; he wanted to plant a kiss on me. My thoughts are on fire as my hands move towards his gym shorts to feel his hardening cock. Just as effortlessly as Grant slides across the sofa, I slide onto my knees and take his big cock into my mouth. I look up at him helplessly as he encourages me to do what comes naturally.

The way his face contorted in ecstasy once I pushed his throbbing hard member past my lips; it turns me on like nothing else. You’d have thought I grabbed one of the cue sticks from the billiard table next to us, he is so long and hard! He even puts his hands behind his head, that’s how much he’s into it.

It’s surreal to feel his smaller hands try to grasp around my muscular ass cheeks when I bend over for him. Grant is so tender in the way he massages my hole with his tongue and gets my crack slippery wet. He grabs the waistband of his shirt and throws it around the back of his neck before feasting on my beefy bottom.

He positions my body exactly as he needs, lining up his cue stick like he’s ready to sink those balls into my crack over and over again. Grant can’t hold back any longer: he begins to thrust his cock forward and I’m speechless as he works me over. The younger boy’s heavy sack slaps against my backside.

Grant is so focused on fucking me that soon the only noise in the room is the quiet jingle of my metal whistle as it bounces against my chest when I go to sit on his erection. I know the boy is horny, but wow did he ever blow my expectations out of the water! I don’t think I will ever hesitate when it comes to having one-on-one time with another one of these hunky young jocks…

The post TwinkTop – Grant Ducati – Chapter 2 Staying Behind – Grant Ducati & Tyler Saint appeared first on Gaypornvids.

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TwinkTop – Grant Ducati – Chapter 2 Staying Behind – Grant Ducati & Tyler Saint
