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🕰️ Sandboxels v5.9.1 - Multiversal Travel Achieved 🤫

Our top scientists have been working day and night to bring new technology to Sandboxels. Today, on April 1st, we are proud to unveil the next generation of falling sand.

🕰️ Multiverse Time Travel

As it turns out, certain elements have the ability to manipulate spacetime, bringing you a whole new dimension to annihilate.

We’ve harnessed this ability into little convenient buttons underneath your element palette. Split off from your current timeline!

🪞 Mirror Dimension

Along the way, we accidentally opened a portal to the Mirror Dimension. This may sound cool, but at the moment it requires a Human sacrifice, so not much is known about this strange place.

🤔 Strange New Elements

But wait, that’s not all we discovered!

We’ve brought back new never-before-seen elements from distant universes!

  • Eat Tool - Consume the… awesome foods that you cook up!

  • Moon & Moon Rock

  • Freeze Tool & Freeze Ray

  • Air

  • UFO

  • Carbon Photon Electron BBQ Sauce Mustard Holy Grenade Ice Ten Love Love Bomb Dirt Bomb Cluster Cluster Bomb Cherry Blueberry Olive Blue Cheese Toad Mouse Basketball Baseball Tennis Ball Quirky Paint Pen Cursor Powder Footprint Light Ice Big Bang


Please read the Sandboxels Changelog to see all of the changes!

🥍 Fine Print

As happen would stance it, we will be reverting all of this tomorrow. If you’d like to explore after April 1st, install the fools24.js mod!

Scared of change? You can press the button under Sandboxels to return to your home universe now!

Play Now!

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This post first appeared on R74n Newsletter, please read the originial post: here

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🕰️ Sandboxels v5.9.1 - Multiversal Travel Achieved 🤫
