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Pokémon GO and the Future of Extended Reality

Pokémon GO And The Future Of Extended Reality

Pokémon GO and the Future of Extended Reality

Pokémon GO, the smash hit mobile game that took the world by storm in 2016, uses Augmented Reality (AR) to overlay fantastical creatures onto the real world through your smartphone screen. This innovative approach to gameplay helped propel Pokémon GO to a massive player base and reignited interest in the beloved Pokémon franchise.

But Pokémon GO's use of AR is just a glimpse into the possibilities of Extended Reality (XR), a term that encompasses both AR and Virtual Reality (VR). VR creates an entirely simulated environment, while AR overlays digital elements onto the physical world. XR has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with games like Pokémon GO.

Here's a table exploring how Pokémon GO might evolve with different XR technologies:

FeatureCurrent Pokémon GO (AR)Potential XR Evolution
Encountering PokémonSee Pokémon on phone screen superimposed on real world.See Pokémon in full 3D existing in the real world through AR glasses.
Catching PokémonThrow Poké Balls on phone screen.Physically throw Poké Balls (or gesture-based controls) using AR glasses or haptic gloves.
Exploring the worldWalk around your neighborhood as shown on phone screen.Explore diverse landscapes with Pokémon roaming freely, seamlessly blending real and virtual environments.
Social InteractionLimited to seeing other players' avatars on phone screen.Interact with fellow trainers in real-time through AR glasses, potentially with holographic avatars.

These are just a few examples, and XR technology is constantly evolving. As XR headsets and other interfaces become more affordable and user-friendly, we can expect Pokémon GO, and other games, to incorporate even more immersive XR experiences.

Here are some additional thoughts on the future of Pokémon GO and XR:

  • Safety and Accessibility: XR experiences need to be designed with safety in mind, ensuring players are aware of their surroundings. Additionally, XR tech needs to be accessible to players with disabilities.
  • Battery Life and Processing Power: XR devices will need significant battery life and processing power to handle the demands of AR and VR experiences.
  • Data Privacy: As XR becomes more integrated with our physical world, data privacy concerns will need to be addressed.

The future of Pokémon GO and XR is bright. With continued advancements in technology, we can expect even more exciting and immersive ways to train, battle, and explore the world of Pokémon.

This post first appeared on EXAPUTRA, please read the originial post: here

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Pokémon GO and the Future of Extended Reality
