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Exposing the Fallacy: AI lies about King Charles’s Cancer Diagnosis

Exposing The Fallacy: AI Lies About King Charles’s Cancer Diagnosis


Exposing The Fallacy: AI Lies About King Charles’s Cancer Diagnosis

Did AI fabricate King Charles’s cancer diagnosis?

"Coronation of King Charles III & Queen Consort Camilla" by SandyEm is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

A royal bombshell dropped on February 5th, 2024: King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis. The News rippled, resonating beyond the palace walls.

Don’t be surprised, but for many, the health of the monarch is a deeply personal matter that evokes feelings of loyalty, respect, and concern. This is especially true for citizens of former and current Commonwealth nations. They feel a unique connection to the monarchy.

As public support for the monarch swelled, so did a tide of intense curiosity. The internet pulsed with a flurry of searches like ‘What cancer does the King have?’, ‘Does the King have cancer 2024?’, ‘King Charles diagnosis.’ But this wasn’t just idle gossip — it was a reflection of the deep-seated fascination and connection that many feel towards the figurehead of a historic institution.

As whispers swirled about the King’s prognosis and treatment, Buckingham Palace cautiously released a few key facts. Yet, amidst this genuine concern, a shadow emerged — a chilling demonstration of the dark side of AI.

Hours after the announcement, AI-spun books flooded Amazon. 7 books appeared on the very first day. Fabricated narratives, weaving elaborate tales of the King’s health. Not mere speculation, but sensationalized drama. Invented cancer types. They even ventured into the realm of the King’s imagined emotions.

One Book, “The King’s Battle: Charles III and His Fight Against Cancer,” painted a picture of surgery and chemotherapy, while another, “Behind Palace Walls: The Untold Secrets and Truth of the Cancer Diagnoses of King Charles,” went as far as calling the diagnosis a “public relations stunt.”

These fictional accounts didn’t just ruffle feathers within the Royal Family. They opened the floodgates. A live demo of the unethical potential lurking within emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence.

This incident demands action. Solutions to stem the tide of misinformation, ensuring genuine concern doesn’t become a breeding ground for malicious narratives.

Today, we dive into this murky world. Explore how AI-generated fake news exploits our curiosity and trust.

Remember, we’ll stick to the facts, dissect the fabricated, illuminate the consequences. This digital deception needs exposure.


The curiosity surrounding King Charles’ cancer diagnosis was understandable, but the deluge of AI books concocting imaginary storylines about his condition? Not so much, especially given the lack of official details from the Palace.
This bizarre and unamusing episode shines a glaring light on the ethical quagmire of AI-generated misinformation, and the very real risks it poses — eroding public trust, disrupting supply chains, jacking up costs, tanking productivity…the whole nine yards.
But don’t think for a second that the big guns are sitting idly by. Tech titans, governments, advocacy groups — you name it — they’re all rolling out the big guns: policy reviews, safeguards, regulations, and good ol’ fashioned public education to combat this AI wildfire.
Still, at the end of the day, the real power to slay this beast lies with each and every one of us. Beefing up our abilities to separate the real from the AI-generated fake news? That’s priority #1, folks. Because let’s keep it real — nobody wants to be the one falling for those outlandish machine-spun tales, am I right?
Photo by Neil Martin on Unsplash

What we know

King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis remains shrouded in some secrecy. The initial announcement left a trail of unanswered questions in its wake. While the Palace confirmed the presence of cancer, the specific type remained a mystery, shrouded in medical privacy. Theories and speculations swirled online, fueled by a public yearning for concrete information.

It was within this climate of genuine concern and lingering curiosity that a disturbing element emerged, casting a chilling shadow on the entire situation: a wave of AI-generated books flooding the market.

The initial diagnosis occurred during an outpatient procedure for an enlarged prostate. Yet, during this checkup, the gloom of cancer emerged. The King then reportedly underwent further treatment in London, shrouded in the same veil of privacy. King Charles has since resumed some public appearances, offering a reassuring glimpse of his well-being.

Notably, Buckingham Palace condemned these AI-written books as “inaccurate.” Meanwhile, Amazon has pulled down these books with the exception of one, seemingly, still on sale in India! A spokesman from Amazon said, “We have removed the titles we found that violated our guidelines.”

Here is the latest update: King Charles’s message to the nation after missing Easter service. You can read about it here or listen to the speech here:

Listen: King Charles releases rare audio message for the nation

In the next section, we dig deeper into this murky world, exploring how AI-generated fake news exploits our curiosity and trust, and what steps can be taken to confront it.

The Dark Revelation

This incident casts a dark light on a chilling reality: AI’s capacity to spread misinformation revealed in blinding clarity. The sheer scale was staggering. The speed breathtaking. Customized falsehoods, tailored to exploit public anxieties and emotional investment, were produced at dizzying rates, (Be sure to check out the Power.Note™ sidebar for a reveal of how quickly the Daily Mail investigators managed to generate a book using AI.)

Photo by Arthur Chauvineau on Unsplash

Beyond the immediate ethical breaches, this episode demonstrated a willful misapplication of nascent capabilities. Truth and trust were sacrificed at the altar of dramatic deception. Viral falsehoods brewed overnight, fueled not by insight or understanding, but by a heartless disregard for the human cost of manipulated narratives.

This dark chapter wasn’t a singular event. It builds upon a growing litany of past AI transgressions. Deepfakes have weaponized video and audio, manipulating public perception and eroding trust in legitimate sources. Malicious bots pollute online discourse, spreading propaganda and sowing discord. Bounties of misinformation, unleashed time and again, threaten the very fabric of informed decision-making.

And always, the same unresolved issue lingers: accountability. Where is it for these artificial systems? How do we govern that which thinks and acts faster than any human, often operating in opaque algorithms and automated processes?

The impacts of this unchecked power manifest in countless ways. Trust is eroded, reputations are damaged, and public understanding is contaminated. Our shared digital space, once envisioned as a beacon of connection and knowledge, is increasingly invaded by an endless deluge of distortions. How long before truth becomes outmatched? Sadly, in this grim instance, it was overnight. That’s how fast and how impactful this fabricated reality became.

Solutions? Exist, but they require vigilant hands. Companies must scrutinize the creations they unleash into the world, implementing robust ethical frameworks and responsible development practices. Leaders need to enact thoughtful oversight, balancing innovation with safeguards against misuse. Advocates, both individual and collective, should continue to pressure for transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations in AI development and deployment.

This chilling revelation should resonate as a stark warning: there is always the potential for good, but also the shadow of misuse, a sinister one. We have now witnessed the dangers of unchecked AI in full force.

Power.Note™ — Daily Mail investigators using AI

Written and on sale in 18 minutes
“It takes less than 20 minutes to ‘write’ a book using an artificial intelligence program and start selling it on Amazon’s website. A Mail on Sunday reporter asked Chat GPT to ‘write a factual book about the history of The Mail on Sunday newspaper’.
The program trawled online articles and websites to piece together text and wrote the book in under a minute, with an introduction, six chapters, a conclusion and epilogue. It then took our reporter another 17 minutes to publish the text as a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Amazon asked whether AI was used in creating it but did not check if the answer given was accurate.
Dr Mhairi Aitken, an Ethics Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute in London, said of AI’s limitations: ‘If you ask it to write a story about someone who has received a cancer diagnosis, it will produce an output describing things that are feasible, but it doesn’t know anything about the personal circumstances relating to the individual.’”
Photo by Nelson Ndongala on Unsplash

Dangers and Implications

Falsehoods, spun by AI, spread unchecked, casting a long shadow over individuals, communities, and societies. Public trust crumbles as fabricated narratives take root, warping our understanding of critical issues. Individuals and groups face reputational damage, emotional distress, and even financial losses due to these malicious fabrications.

Think of scrolling through your social media feed, bombarded by a “miracle cure” for a rare disease. It sounds too good to be true, yet comments teem with personal stories and “experts” confirming it. You share it, believing it true, only to discover it’s a complete lie. This chilling reality is AI-generated misinformation, weaponized to exploit our vulnerabilities and amplify falsehoods at an alarming rate.

The ability of AI to amplify false narratives is the real danger, with far-reaching consequences:

  • Loss of trust in institutions: Misinformation can erode trust in banks, governments, and other institutions, leading to decreased investment, economic instability, and reduced public cooperation with important initiatives.
  • Disruption of supply chains: False information about product safety or availability can disrupt supply chains, causing shortages, and economic losses.
  • Increased costs for businesses: Businesses may need to invest in additional resources to combat misinformation, such as fact-checking teams or cybersecurity measures, adding to their operational costs.
  • Loss of productivity: Individuals and businesses can waste time, and resources verifying information or dealing with the consequences of misinformation, leading to decreased productivity.
  • Negative impact on innovation: An environment saturated with misinformation can discourage investment in research and development, hindering innovation, and economic growth.

Algorithms spread misinformation rapidly, often targeting vulnerable populations with tailored content that preys on their anxieties and biases. This creates dangerous echo chambers, reinforcing false beliefs and blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

The most unsettling part? Holding these “culprits” accountable is nearly impossible. Unlike a human spreading lies, AI lacks intention or awareness. Punishing it is like scolding a robot arm for accidentally knocking over a vase. This lack of accountability leaves a gaping hole in our efforts to curb the spread of harmful misinformation.

Photo by Laura Heimann on Unsplash

Addressing Unethical AI

The King Charles AI book incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers of unchecked artificial intelligence. Fortunately, various stakeholders are taking action to mitigate these risks and promote responsible AI development.

Tech Companies Step Up:

The tech titans aren’t messing around. They’re scrutinizing policies, tightening the reins on their AI juggernauts. Google’s on it — fairness, no harm, accountability are the battle cries behind their AI Principles. And Facebook? They’ve assembled an Oversight Board, a supreme court of sorts, to make those tough calls on moderating problematic content.

As for Amazon, that fake book fiasco left them reeling — they scrubbed the offending AI-scribed titles and vowed to crack down hard on any machine-generated materials slipping through the cracks. But they’re not stopping there. Restricting access to those hyper-intelligent language models like ChatGPT, the ones capable of conjuring up whole worlds of misinformation? It’s on the table as another line of defense. And let’s not forget the pivotal investments pouring into cutting-edge detection tools — image forensics to sniff out doctored media, that kind of thing. Every weapon in the arsenal counts in this fight.

They mean business — no more playing nice.

Governments Take Aim:

No one wants our tech-driven world, where we get our news and connect with friends and family, to be like the wild west! So, governments are stepping in, like sheriffs, setting some ground rules. The EU, for example, proposes requiring labels on AI-generated content, just like a “made in China” tag, so you know what you’re getting. That’s what the European Union’s AI Act proposes.

California takes it a step further. Just like humans, they are considering holding AI systems responsible for spreading lies. Data privacy laws are like padlocks on your information, making sure AI can’t access it illegally. Think of the EU’s GDPR as a key example. And of course, there’s always the stick — fines and penalties for those who break the rules!

Researchers on the Frontlines:

Think of a video so real it could fool anyone. Now imagine researchers building tools to sniff out these fakes like bloodhounds on the trail. That’s what’s happening! Algorithms are like detectives, scanning for inconsistencies in lighting, reflections — anything that screams “phony.”

Even language gets put under the microscope, with stylometry tools hunting for unusual writing patterns. And to top it off, libraries of “known fakes” act as mugshot books, helping identify imposters instantly. These tools are still stumbling around like toddlers, but they’re getting sharper every day.

Advocacy Groups Raise the Bar:

Big corporations aren’t the only ones keeping AI in check. Non-profit superheroes like Amnesty International are saying, “Hey, transparency matters!” Their “Designing the Future of AI” campaign is a clear call on transparency. They want us to see what’s going on under the hood of these AI systems.

Meanwhile, groups like the Partnership on AI are like AI whisperers, sharing best practices to keep this technology on the right path. And let’s not forget the public education campaigns, like WITNESS’s “Deepfakes, Lies, and Video: What You Need to Know,” — think of them as town criers shouting, “Beware the deepfakes!” Everyone has a role to play in building a responsible AI future.

Individual Action Drives Change:

We all have a secret weapon in the battle against fake news — our own sharp instincts! Spotted something sketchy online that’s ringing alarm bells? Don’t just sit on it — report that sucker! These platforms need our eagle eyes and discerning minds to help sniff out the bad apples.

Feeling like a fish out of water navigating this crazy digital jungle? No sweat, there are plenty of resources to get you up to speed on separating fact from fiction. Sites like are like having a trusty fake news detector right in your pocket.

But perhaps most importantly — we’ve got to resist that itchy trigger finger when it comes to hitting “share” without verifying first. Doing that is basically the same as planting a big red “Spread Misinformation Here” button on our screens.

And don’t let this issue fade into the background! These policymakers need to hear our voices loud and clear on how we want them tackling this whole issue. Sitting on the sidelines just lets the fake news tsunami keep on rolling.

At the end of the day, it’s going to take a full-court press from all of us to build that fortress against the rising tide of falsities. But we’ve got this — our superpowers were inside us all along!

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

On the Way Out…

That King Charles AI book saga? Total wake-up call. It ripped the curtain back on just how nightmarish this AI misinformation wildfire could get — warping realities, nuking trust into oblivion. We’ve seen the first shots fired by the tech titans, tightening those safeguards. And governments? They’re gearing up too, kicking the tires on new regulations.

But let’s be real — this is just the opening salvo in what’s shaping up to be one hell of a battle royale. The fight to protect truth itself has only begun.

Key Takeaways

  • Global curiosity surged following the announcement of King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis.
  • AI-generated books flooded the market, immediately, fabricating narratives about the King’s health despite limited official information.
  • This wild saga shines a blazing spotlight on the ethical quicksand we’re wading into with AI-spun misinformation. It’s a straight-up mess.
  • And we’re not just talking eroded trust here — disrupted supply chains, costs spiraling out of control, productivity in the tank, innovation stuck in the mud. The whole nine yards of hell is on the menu if we don’t get a handle on this demon. It’ll take a full-court press from all corners to wrestle this beast.
  • The good news? The big guns are already locked and loaded for battle. Tech titans, governments, researchers, advocacy warriors — they’re suiting up and sharpening their spears as we speak.
  • We’re talking policy overhauls, hardcore safeguards, new regulations on the table, developing bad-news sniffers to smoke out the fakes, pushing for transparency like it’s going out of style, and arming the public with truth-detecting superpowers through good ol’ education efforts.

The hour grows late, but some light yet glimmers. We can still wrestle these ultra-powerful AI tools into submission as warriors for truth — but man, we’ve got to move fast and united.

Because let’s be real, if we let this imbalance shift too far, those stark lines between reality and fiction could just become one big blur forever. And we can’t afford for that to happen.

For truth to survive, trust is the very fabric holding our shared reality together. We need to make sure AI evolves as a force for progress, not a vehicle for mass deception. The future’s being written as we speak — and the pen is in our hands.

Remember, you have the power. Educate yourself, report suspicious content, and demand accountability.

Follow me for more, or better yet, subscribe to my email list to get my stories with updates, tips & ideas as soon as they come out.

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The information provided in this article serves as a general overview. While we strive for accuracy and completeness, it may not cover every aspect of the topic. Please conduct your own research and exercise critical judgment to make informed decisions.

Exposing the Fallacy: AI lies about King Charles’s Cancer Diagnosis was originally published in Technology Hits on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This post first appeared on Tech Hype Explained: Smart Living Beyond The Hype, please read the originial post: here

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Exposing the Fallacy: AI lies about King Charles’s Cancer Diagnosis
