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X Reveals User Engagement Data: Conflicting Numbers Spark Questions

X Reveals User Engagement Data: Conflicting Numbers Spark Questions

X, once known as Twitter, has shared new information about how people are using the platform. This includes how many people visit daily and monthly, how long they stay, and what they watch or search for. However, some of the numbers they've given out are confusing and might not add up right.

Here's what X has said:

X reports having 250 million people who use the platform every day. This number hasn't changed since November 2022, meaning no new daily users have been added in 16 months. Monthly users have supposedly gone up to 550 million, increasing by 50 million recently. This suggests 10 million new users each month since October 2023.

According to X, users spend about 30 minutes on the platform daily, contributing to over 8 billion minutes spent collectively each day in 2024. But, doing the math, this would actually mean an average of 32 minutes per user, not 30.

X claims people are spending 13% more time on the platform in 2024, with mobile use up by 17%. Yet, this seems to conflict with previous reports stating an average time of 32 minutes, which has supposedly decreased to 30 minutes.

Moreover, X says 1.7 million new users join daily, which would mean 51 million new users each month. However, the numbers for daily and monthly active users don't reflect such a large increase.

The platform also claims that people are engaging with brands more than before. Yet, some outside reports suggest brand engagement may have slightly decreased over the past two years.

Over 59 billion searches have been done on X worldwide in 2024. But compared to past Twitter data, this is significantly lower than before.

Video views are reported to have risen by 43% from last year, reaching 8 billion views per day. This increase seems too high compared to previous years' growth rates.

Spaces creation has slowed down compared to previous reports, with over 5 million created in 2024, down from the weekly numbers shared last December.

Time spent in Communities on X has reportedly gone up by 600% in the last year, with over 350,000 communities now active.

Furthermore, X Hiring has seen 1 million job posts, with a 556% increase in the last 90 days. But there's no word on how many of these posts have led to actual hires.

The most popular topics on X in 2023 were sports, gaming, music, and food, showing that communities around these interests remain active.

Overall, while X shares these numbers as signs of success, some are either not changing or might be declining. This raises questions about the platform's true popularity and how it's doing.

Despite this, Elon Musk says most advertisers are returning to X after a period of reduced spending. The real test will come when X's financial results are released.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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X Reveals User Engagement Data: Conflicting Numbers Spark Questions
