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Neuralink Makes History By Going Live With First Brain Chip Implantation On A Human Patient

Neuralink Makes History By Going Live With First Brain Chip Implantation On A Human Patient

Neuralink is Elon Musk’s new experiment and it’s safe to say the leading tech company is making history with its recent endeavor.

The company just shared a livestream featuring a human patient receiving a brain chip implant for the first time. The individual in question was outlined to be a male, 29 years of age, who became quadriplegic due to a car accident nearly eight years back.

This particular patient’s journey was highlighted through the X app and that’s where it was outlined how the chip isn’t perfect but it’s really enabling improvements to his daily routine, day by day.

For instance, activities that he could not do before, he’s now doing. This includes the addition of so many improvements to life, each day and it could be simple ones like playing video games without the reliance of others to help him.

He added how things are not as smooth sailing as he had hoped for but he’s getting there, slowly. He wishes to tell the world that progress is done but at a slower pace. This is just the start but it is an incredible one.

Referring to the whole ordeal as life-changing just goes to show how Musk’s ideas aren’t just a hoax but do have some kind of sustainability in terms of bringing change to people’s lives.

This livestream was carried out with the company’s top engineer standing by the patient’s side.

Musk’s Neuralink was rolled out in the year 2016 and since then, it’s been making chip implants that enable people to have full control over computers and brains.

We saw in January of this year how Musk mentioned more details about Neuralink adding chips to human brains for the very first time. This is after years of hard work and research done on monkey models.

Today, such animal experiments are still being scrutinized in terms of their ethical basis where activists continually accused the firm of putting animals through excruciating pain and suffering to get adequate results for their experiments.

Did we mention how such experiments are very invasive in nature and require extreme care and funds to ensure nothing wrong happens to the test subject?

American regulators have been questioned time and time again by the PCRM to see more into this matter and even go on to allege via a post on X that made false claims about no monkeys dying due to the experiment.

Musk even boasted about how his facility to treat and work on monkeys was like a paradise.

And despite such questions remaining unanswered, it does not make sense as to how the trials have moved on to humans so soon.

Nevertheless, it all seems possible in the world of Musk and the human trial is well into place. The patient was sitting on a carefully curated chair with the laptop’s screen right in front of him.

He was in the driver’s seat and controlled a chess game while the hands rested on the chair’s armrests. His love and admiration for chess was discussed and the fact that he can now play without anyone’s help has been a highlight in the trial for him as he solely relies on the brain.

The patient added how dislocating so many parts of his spinal cord in the car tragedy left him in a state of paralysis, starting from his shoulders and going below.

While his current condition puts a limit on his ability to play video games of his choice, he still has some limitations but it’s magical how much things have improved in just a short period.

Not only that, sitting for long hours in the past meant suffering from things like pressure sores and he says that’s never fun. Today, he gets to play a lot more, and that too, alone and without any side effects.

But one of the biggest limitations so far with this chip has to be related to ensuring the chip was fully charged, time and time again. For instance, after eight hours, he would charge it for a while and then hope to play longer.

Image: DIW-AIgen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Neuralink Makes History By Going Live With First Brain Chip Implantation On A Human Patient
