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Israel’s Nuclear Facility Networks Hacked By Anonymous Claims In Protest Of Gaza Conflict

Israel’s Nuclear Facility Networks Hacked By Anonymous Claims In Protest Of Gaza Conflict

The war on Gaza continues to intensify daily with no signs of it coming to an end. But with that comes news about a massive breach of Israel’s nuclear facility located in Dimona.

The news was confirmed by a hacker group that goes by the name Annonymous who confirmed carrying out the breach on their X account. The matter was said to be in retaliation for the catastrophes arising in Gaza each minute as Israel continues to bombard the region, killing innocent Palestinian people.

The group mentioned in a very bold statement recently how they’re not thirsty for blood like Israeli’s leadership and army, who they feel are the actual terrorists. They say the operation was conducted in a manner where zero civilians were harmed and the message sent across was vivid.

The hackers stated how they managed to steal and even publish documents worth 7GB and those included hundreds of thousands of PDFs such as emails, Excel files, and Word files belonging to the Center for Nuclear Research in the country.

Meanwhile, another message was rolled out in this regard that added how clear their intentions were of not starting any nuclear explosions but they did speak on the fears of such operations and how dangerous it could be as anything could take place.

The statement featured animated videos of nuclear detonation and a call for help to evacuate the nearby location of Dimona and its surroundings. While there’s no evidence about it breaching the entire operational network and related facilities, it’s now causing alarm.

For now, experts from the cyber security domain are downplaying the act and referring to this as a huge exaggeration. So they claim that hackers are only involved in stealing documents that are currently unclassified.

We’ve seen Anonymous carry out similar DDoS campaigns in the past including Opt Israel that began way back in the year 2013. Their targets included several Israeli institutions and ever since the war on the Gaza region began, these hacktivists showed active support on both sides with a host of cyberattacks on leading organizations that belonged to the government and media.

In the past year, there were up to ten water controls in a host of agricultural districts across Israel that were knocked down by cyberattacks. This caused brief interruptions to the country’s agricultural sector including irrigation belonging to specific farms.

In the year following that, we saw another hacker group dubbed Electronic Tiger Unit mention through a screenshot across Telegram about how they got access to SCADA’s water regulatory system.

The screengrabs also displayed threat actors getting access to Aegis-II which is another product designed to give an adequate amount of cooling, boiling, and other temperature-specific functions.

Such groups are mostly restricted to DDoS attacks that disrupt services online and end up leaking several private documents. This would have a restricted impact in the future and would take over a system entailing industrial control and that’s a bigger risk than before.

Image: DIW-AIgen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Israel’s Nuclear Facility Networks Hacked By Anonymous Claims In Protest Of Gaza Conflict
