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Authoritas Analysis Warns of Organic Traffic Decline Amid Google's AI-Based Search Replies

Authoritas Analysis Warns Of Organic Traffic Decline Amid Google's AI-Based Search Replies

Google has just announced the launch of its Search Generative Experience to those users who have yet to opt for its Search Labs. This feature dubbed AI overviews is up and running and while it might seem harmless to many, a new analysis proves otherwise.

Authoritas’ group of researchers predict the devastating impact this rollout can have on organic traffic levels arising from brand-specific terms. Right now, many are still in the dark in regards to how big of an effect these AI-based replies could have on the organic traffic as a whole but studies like these are giving major insights.

Such generative results are paving the way for greater opportunities so that websites belonging to third parties could benefit and also so that arch-rivals may rank brand terms and product terms that are trending with the masses.

The company’s SGE for a whopping 91% of questions proved how just 8% of trending keywords from such an analysis didn’t produce AI-based responses.

But Quora is doing well in this regard as the popular Question-and-answer site finished in the leading 20 performing generative domain for 11 out of 15 categories that were studied.

As per the stats published, 10.7 links popped up on the replies generated through Google’s Search Generative Experience. Meanwhile, 4.3 featured unique domains on every reply while 62% of the generative links arose from sources present outside the leading 10 ranking domains for organic traffic.

Similarly, 20% of all URLs made through generative AI matched the first page for organic URLs while 18% showed different URLs from similar organic rankings.

On the other hand, PPC ads had close to 50% of all keywords receiving paid search advertisements. These appeared right above the whole SGE results, more than half of the time, and 49% below them.

Shopping ads on the other hand popped up right below the whole SGE for 64% of the total time that they were present.

As far as the analysis is concerned, there were close to 2900 keywords for a whopping 251 leading brands in the US that spanned 15 industries.

So as you can see, the impact can be devastating on organic traffic levels. If you’d like to read more, we suggest clicking here for a more detailed overview of the study.

Read next: Microsoft Opts To Purchase Google Ads To Promote Its Bing Search Engine On Google

This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Authoritas Analysis Warns of Organic Traffic Decline Amid Google's AI-Based Search Replies
