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AI Image Generators Just Got 30 Times Faster With This New MIT Framework

AI Image Generators Just Got 30 Times Faster With This New MIT Framework

The manner in which diffusion models tend to function generally tends to involve the multi step processing of a noise filled initial state into something that slowly but surely starts to take on some semblance of a realistic image. AI artists have used this to great effect, allowing models like DALL-E to become one of the most widely discussed forms of AI on the market with all things having been considered and taken into account.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, there is always room for improvement, and it appears that AI diffusion models have just taken another step forward in their evolution. It is important to note that MIT has just introduced a new framework that vastly simplifies the process by which these models generate images at this current point in time.

The way this works is that the model will now be able to generate an image in a single step instead of having to rely on a drawn out multi step process. This essentially involves something referred to as the teacher student model, which involves allowing new models to learn the behavior of older models because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up speeding things up.

The name that is being used to refer to this approach is distribution matching distillation, and it allows for images to be generated at a much faster rate than might have been the case otherwise. As if that wasn't enough, the images won’t see any decrease in their overall levels of quality, which just goes to show that diffusion models have gotten a great deal better than they used to be.

There is also a chance that the images will be even higher in quality, and on top of all of that, they will require considerably less computational power. As a result of these advancements, diffusion models are going to become so much more efficient that anyone will be able to create masterpieces of art with a single prompt.

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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AI Image Generators Just Got 30 Times Faster With This New MIT Framework
