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Court Rejects Meta’s Plea To Dismiss Privacy Invasion Claims Made By Online Taxpayers

Court Rejects Meta’s Plea To Dismiss Privacy Invasion Claims Made By Online Taxpayers

It looks like things are not going in Meta’s direction after all as a federal judge ruled how the tech giant’s bid to have claims made by online taxpayers regarding unfair privacy invasion dismissed was rejected.

The fact that the judge sided against the company is not something Meta saw by a long distance as it is now being forced to fight against claims of collecting user data from sites where they had filed taxes.

The date of the ruling was outlined to be during the later hours of Monday when the judge added how the allegations against Meta could prove how the firm violated different state privacy laws by compiling user-sensitive information via Meta Pixel. The latter is the name given to a code used for tracking purposes that can be found on several different pages.

Needless to say, the decision was a major one that has been called a serious defeat but it’s not a whole loss as only some of the claims were dismissed which entailed accusations of Meta stealing property that was under the ownership of the taxpayers.

The new decision arises for a battle that goes back to the end of 2022. This is when taxpayers mentioned through a complaint generated via class action how Meta Pixel was collecting incorrect data including personal finances through various sites online including TaxSlayer amongst others.

The legal case was filed after media outlet The Markup noted how Meta Pixel was present on a host of leading tax services’ pages.

In July of last month, another report was rolled out by lawmakers from the Democratic party who found how online tax preparation services were rolling out millions of users’ private data with the likes of Meta, Google, and a host of other leading tech giants.

But Meta tried to cover up the claims by adding how it was making use of that for online advertising targeting purposes as well as to train AI algorithms.

Now, Google is facing several litigations over such unlawful data collection behavior.

Facebook’s parent firm hoped to enable the judge to throw out the claims made in the taxpayer lawsuit as a whole. They argued how the company did not willfully get the right kind of data due to policies preventing websites from using Pixel by transmitting sensitive data online.

But the judge felt such arguments were just too premature as they placed reliance on real facts that aren’t proven yet.

The argument from Meta gives rise to another very important query. This has to do with the court couldn’t resolve it at this particular time. And whatever agreements were put forward, they don’t establish that Meta never intended to get the data plaintiffs say was transmitted.

So as you can see, Meta’s loss again and it seems like they’re going to have plenty of explaining to do if they wish to overcome victorious in this case.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Court Rejects Meta’s Plea To Dismiss Privacy Invasion Claims Made By Online Taxpayers
