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YouTube Enhances Tools and Offers New Tips for Creators

YouTube Enhances Tools And Offers New Tips For Creators

YouTube is bringing in more tools for creators to check how their videos are doing. It's also adding new options to make channels look better and making it simpler to get videos ready for upload.

Firstly, YouTube is introducing a way to see how different types of viewers interact with videos. Creators can now look at how new and returning viewers, as well as subscribers and non-subscribers, engage with their content. This information helps creators understand their audience better and adjust their videos to keep viewers coming back.

YouTube has also updated its analytics tools, adding more features in the first few months of the year. The new audience retention report is a part of this update.

Another new feature is the "For You" shelf customization. This lets creators control which videos show up on their channel's "For You" section. They can choose which videos to display, remove unwanted ones, and arrange them to attract viewers to specific content. This option gives creators more control but also comes with the risk that the most engaging videos might not be the ones shown.

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YouTube is also making the video upload process smoother. They're putting all the pre-upload checks in one place. Now, creators who want to make money from their videos will get a notification when their video has passed all the checks. This makes it easier to manage uploads and ensure videos are ready to make money.

YouTube has given advice on the best times to post videos to get maximum reach. For news or timely content, post as soon as possible. For evergreen content, any time works. For live videos, go live when most of your audience is online. Posting in off-hours might start slow but can catch up in views over time.

Lastly, YouTube advises creators not to delete or hide old videos. Doing so can hurt the channel's connection with its audience and affect how well videos are recommended to viewers. Keeping videos public or unlisted is the best way to grow your channel.

These updates and tips from YouTube are designed to help creators get the most out of their content and grow their audience.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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YouTube Enhances Tools and Offers New Tips for Creators
