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LinkedIn Engagement Soars, 44% Increase in 2024

LinkedIn Engagement Soars, 44% Increase In 2024

In the past few years, LinkedIn has been getting popular for marketing services, especially for B2B brands. According to SocialInsider's LinkedIn Analytics Data, the engagement on LinkedIn has reached about 44% YoY in 2024. This means that LinkedIn has become a useful platform for brands to advertise their business. The most interesting thing about the increase in LinkedIn engagement is that it has increased in a time when the engagement on other social media platforms is dropping. Brands who are familiar with how LinkedIn works and its audiences know what type of content to create to bring more customers. According to LinkedIn benchmarks 2024, posts which have several images get the most engagements.

Posts with multiple images tend to attract a large number of audiences in 2024. A post that has multiple images and a short caption catches the eyes of users the most. These types of posts generate more likes and comments, especially if they are from a page with a large number of followers. The average number of likes each LinkedIn post gets is 45 and the average number of comments on a LinkedIn post is 4. If you want to increase the number of likes and comments on your LinkedIn post, Sarah Clay who is a marketer and PR expert on LinkedIn, says that posts who are shared from a personal profile get far more engagements than a post from a company page. Brands should train their employees to use LinkedIn so they can get more engagements.

Even though video content is everywhere, it is not as popular on LinkedIn as it is on other social media apps. But when a video gets more shares, it increases the brand awareness in users and this could lead to more engagements. When videos are shared from a profile with more than 100k followers, they are shared in large numbers. Overall, videos are the most shared form of media on LinkedIn. One of the reasons why LinkedIn is getting more popular is because brands have started being regularly active on LinkedIn and now they post 18 posts a month on average. Brands should ask their employees to individually interact on company’s posts so they can get more popular on LinkedIn.

If a brand wants to get high impression rates, it should start a poll on LinkedIn. Impressions are important because they increase your content visibility on LinkedIn. The average impression rate on LinkedIn in 2024 is 9.50% and it is mostly because of polls. The content that gets the most engagements on LinkedIn are polls, posts with multiple images and videos respectively.

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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LinkedIn Engagement Soars, 44% Increase in 2024
