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Google Introduces Exciting Features for Enhanced Online Shopping Experience

Google Introduces Exciting Features For Enhanced Online Shopping Experience

Google is adding cool features to shop online easier and with more fun. You'll get tips on styles, find clothes for your body type, and use AI for finding what you need.

Now, Google will show lots of pictures when you search. For example, if you look for men's polo shirts, you'll see many styles and colors. You can like or dislike these pictures. This way, Google learns what you prefer. Next time, it'll show you things you're more likely to enjoy.

These tests are happening for U.S. shoppers on mobile or the Google app. You can also choose your favorite brands now. So, if you're after clothes, shoes, or accessories, you can see your favorite brands first.

Google's also trying something with AI. It can make pictures of what you're thinking of buying. This helps in finding the right item faster.

There's a "virtual try-on" too. It doesn't dress up your photos but shows how clothes look on different models. This gives you an idea of how clothes might fit you, similar to a feature Pinterest has.

These updates aim to make shopping on Google smoother. They're still tweaking these features to bring them to more users soon.

Image: Google

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Google Introduces Exciting Features for Enhanced Online Shopping Experience
