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Cloudflare Blocked 9.3 Million Emails Every Day in 2023

Cloudflare Blocked 9.3 Million Emails Every Day In 2023

According to a statement put out by Cloudflare, the web security company blocked a grand total of 3.4 billion unwanted emails in 2023 alone. This is a steep increase from the 2.4 billion it blocked in 2022 with all things having been considered and taken into account. It turns out that over 25% of emails that people receive on a day to day basis are actually unwanted.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that spam and malicious emails along with bulk emails were all part of this category. The 42% increase in unwanted emails noted by the company reveal that these types of communications are rising, and they can make the internet far less safe than might have been the case otherwise.

It bears mentioning that phishing attempts alone accounted for 3% of all of the emails sent the previous year. One of the numerous factors used to determine whether or not an email was malicious or legitimate was its Top Level Domain. This is the portion of the email addresses that comes after the period mark. Generic TLDs are being used a lot more frequently than might have been the case otherwise, and they are often associated with the beauty industry with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Based on the findings presented in this report, .uno, .sbs, and .beauty TLDs were almost always used in malicious emails since the year 2014. The vast majority of these emails were found to be less than trustworthy, or 95% to be precise. However, 67% of malicious emails actually used a .com TLD, with .shop and .net comprising 5% and 4% respectively. Surprisingly enough, the TLD associated with Norway, .no, was used in 3% of malicious emails that were blocked by Cloudflare in the preceding year.

Such findings are important because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up revealing the extent to which malicious emails are being spread. More research will have to be done in order to ascertain if any slipped through the cracks.

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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Cloudflare Blocked 9.3 Million Emails Every Day in 2023
